Tag Archives: PSEPRO

07252019 – CrossFit

Today was retest of the cycle’s baseline workout. I have not done a good job of doing all the work in this cycle, even though some of it matches with what I need (single leg work especially). If you remember the cycle started the week of my off-road triathlon and it took a few weeks to really get into it. But, I still improved on the baseline by 10 reps! My last effort was on June 15.

It took me awhile to decide to actually do the workout instead of laying on the coach, but I’m glad that I did! To refresh – the PSE PRO Cycle U baseline MetCon is a 9 minute AMRAP with 3 movements – 10 pushups, 20 swings, and 200m run. I decided to do the workout exactly as I had last time to actually see how much I improved. I thought about trying the pushups from the ground, but didn’t.

I did the pushups from the second step on our front steps, used a 35# kettlebell and ran to the corner and back. I completed 4 rounds and 12 reps (so all 10 pushups and 2 swings). As I noted this is an improvement of 10 reps! Not too shabby!

I pulled some weeds to recover and then did 3×5 per side of front rack barbell step ups with 65#’s and 3×5 per side of hamstring bridges. Then I pulled more weeds!

06152019 – CrossFit

I couldn’t decide what to do this morning. It was sprinkling a little bit – enough to make the sidewalk wet, but not under the trees. The mountain bike trails were probably fine, but I knew they’d be closed. I ended up doing the baseline workout for the new PSE Pro training cycle.

It was a 9 minute AMRAP with 10 push-ups, 30 swings (35#) and a 200m run. My chest is still a little sore from Murph – yikes. So I did push-ups to the 2nd step on my front steps. The swings were Russian and for the 200m I ran to the end of the block and back. I’m on the corner so it should be pretty close. I didn’t do a lot of warm-up just jogged around the block and began.

It was just over 2 minutes for the first round and each subsequent one was a little bit slower! I finished 4 rounds and 2 pushups in the 9 minutes.

It sprinkled most of the time and I’m sure my neighbors,if they were awake wondered what I was doing!

0402019 – Run

The PSE PRO program is extensive and includes a pre-warm-up, warm-up, skills work and a pre-workout pulmonary warm-up!! All before starting the actual workout! I hadn’t thought about this as the warm-up comes before the skills work. My preference is to run for the warm-up and make a big loop of warm-up, work, and cool-down. So I ran for about a mile then did the warm-up, skills work, and pulmonary warm-up next to a random tree in the Victory Blvd! I did actually feel looser and more ready for the 200’s after that!

I didn’t start the 200’s until I crossed Broadway so I ended up with well over a mile warm-up. Then I did 4×200 on Vincent Ave N until turning and hitting Victory Memorial and heading south to finish the last 5×200. I ended up with a lot of distance at the end and even with cutting some serious tangents I ended up with 1.6 mile cool-down. My total distance was 4.8 miles in 43:30 or just over 9 minute pace.

The 200’s were supposed to be at 6K time trial pace, so no clue! I didn’t make any of them feel super hard like all out effort but I obviously slowed down!










04012019 – CrossFit & Bike

The timing was a little tight from the Winter Triathlon to needing to start a training plan for my Spring 12.5k and Adventure Triathlon. I obviously have a good cardio base to start from, but I need to get more running in for the Superior race as its going to have a lot of hills and I won’t be successful just getting by.

I didn’t want to just use the same CrossFit Endurance training plan as last year, though I ended up going with a Power Speed Endurance Pro (PSE PRO) plan which is essentially the same thing! But it is actually more programmed than what I did last year so we’ll see what happens. Each workout is programmed with notes, warm-up, strength, conditioning, and recovery. Plus a fuel section.

Today is the beginning of the T-Cycle. It will work pretty well until the end when I need to taper down a week before the cycle ends. The weekly cycle includes Strength & Conditioning x 2 (CrossFit), Short Interval Session, Long Interval Session, Sport Specific Strength & Conditioning, Stamina and Active Recovery.

The notes and videos will help along the way and there is a strong emphasis on breath work which is a big component of the PSE model. Each workout begins and ends with breathing.

So today was Deadlifts. 5-4-3-3 (135, 185, 205, 215)

Followed by a 12 minute AMRAP of

20 Kettlebell Swings 53#

10 SeeSaw Dumbells 15#

5 Hang Power Cleans 45#

I finished 7 rounds and 10 swings.

The program lists a range of weights and scaling so I probably should have done more weight on the dumbbells and cleans, but it was also the first programmed workout I’ve tried in the basement and my basement gym lacks some things! I had to do the SeeSaw dumbbells on my knees so I didn’t punch a hole through the ceiling!