Today was retest of the cycle’s baseline workout. I have not done a good job of doing all the work in this cycle, even though some of it matches with what I need (single leg work especially). If you remember the cycle started the week of my off-road triathlon and it took a few weeks to really get into it. But, I still improved on the baseline by 10 reps! My last effort was on June 15.
It took me awhile to decide to actually do the workout instead of laying on the coach, but I’m glad that I did! To refresh – the PSE PRO Cycle U baseline MetCon is a 9 minute AMRAP with 3 movements – 10 pushups, 20 swings, and 200m run. I decided to do the workout exactly as I had last time to actually see how much I improved. I thought about trying the pushups from the ground, but didn’t.
I did the pushups from the second step on our front steps, used a 35# kettlebell and ran to the corner and back. I completed 4 rounds and 12 reps (so all 10 pushups and 2 swings). As I noted this is an improvement of 10 reps! Not too shabby!
I pulled some weeds to recover and then did 3×5 per side of front rack barbell step ups with 65#’s and 3×5 per side of hamstring bridges. Then I pulled more weeds!