Tag Archives: New Year

C’Mon You Lazyheads

Blondie Cartoon from 1-3-2010

Poor Dagwood. Have you ever felt like that? With the beginning of the new year underway here’s hoping we can all stay on target with our goals/resolutions.  How are you doing so far?

I haven’t really made any yet.  It is hard to think about running goals when my foot won’t cooperate.  I am planning to read through the Bible in a year again and am a little behind on that front.  Those are really the only things I can think of.  I want to try and enjoy the MN Winter as much as possible (we did get snowshoes).  We would like to get to know our neighbors better (hard to do when you don’t see each other outside).

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Happy 2009!!

Welcome to the New Year!!! We here at Team Cross wish you a wonderful and blessed 2009. It is hard to imagine what is going to happen in the new year, there is always so much potential with the beginning of a new year.

This is a good time to think about what is coming up and also to reflect on where your life is going.  I’ll be honest I haven’t thought too much about specifics for 2009 or really examined my goals from 2008.  I do know that I didn’t meet any of my time goals but I did PR in many races which is great.

What are your plans for 2009?

I’m currently planning on running both a spring and fall marathon although the details of both are still fuzzy. I would like to PR and break all of my time goals from 2008:

5K – sub 18:00

10K – sub 40:00

Half-Marathon – sub 1:30

Marathon – 3:10 (Boston Qualifying)

2008 Yearly Mileage

Running – 1374.2 miles or 177 hours or just over a week!

Biking – 1024.8 miles or 6 hours

Swimming – 2 miles

Have a wonderful new year!

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