Tag Archives: My Running

06212018 – Run

So… I had slacked off on writing about my runs and don’t really remember anything about this one.  I ran in the section of Wirth by the Golf Course and it was a 3 x 800m workout with 3 minutes rest.

My splits were:




You couldn’t ask for a much more consistent effort than that on varied terrain.

Totals: 3.8 in 38:47.

06192018 – Run 

10×200 with Eduardo. We decided not to do hill repeats this week! We had a nice time out on the trails. It had just stopped raining so everything was nice and wet with a few muddy spots.

I screwed up again with the watch and forgot to switch to the interval mode. So I had to end the run and switch it to the interval mode. So no big deal really.

One of the last 200’s was on the paved trail just North of Glenwood and Eduardo started yelling that he was going to catch me… so I really took off. I think this was Eduardo’s first trail run.

Here are the splits:












Totals 3.44 miles 45:29.

06172018 – Run

Exhausted from a late night movie and in some sweltering heat and humidity my 5K Time Trial was not all I was hoping for.  We got a chance to go see Solo.  I think it was good, it definitely doesn’t live up to the other Star Wars movies, but it wasn’t horrible like some have said.  We went to a late showing and got home after midnight – so technically I started Father’s Day off at a movie and Cub Foods!

It has been super muggy and hot with Excessive Heat Warnings and storms coming and going for a few days and this morning was no different.  I got out for a run in between 2 storms again and the humidity was pretty oppressive. The 5K loop from home around Wirth Lake was my plan.  But you know me and my watch have trouble sometimes.  I couldn’t get it to start a new lap.  I tried several times and was getting really frustrated and bitten by horse flies so I kept going and took a full mile warm-up.

I feel that I gave a good effort throughout and the few times I looked at my watch I was in the 7:00 minutes so I was a little surprised at the final times.  But it is what it is now.  5K in 26:51 or 8:39 pace which will come into play later in training.

The total mileage was 4.87 in 46:13.

06142018 – Run

This morning was beautiful for running. 63 degrees at 5:30am. It was nice to sleep in a little bit too! Today’s plan called for a 3x800m with 3 minutes rest in between. 

Nothing exciting on the run. Though 800 seems like a long way! The first one included several hills, but the rest were more flat. 

The splits were 




I did a mile warmup and the cooldown ended up being 1.5 miles. 

Total mileage 4.4 miles in 44:38.

06122018 – Run

My neighbor Eduardo is training for a triathlon this fall with the aim of an Ironman in two summers. He is going to be joining me for at least one run/workout each week. That will be a fun way to spice things up. 

This morning’s workout was 8x200m. After my 12.5k I realized I needed to do more hill specific work. Just running at Wirth isn’t going to be enough to get me up and over Moose Mountain. So I figured for this one I’d try out the sledding hill at Wirth. 

It turns out that from the first light pole up the cart path to the next hole is almost exactly 200m. The last bit is pretty steep and there is definitely ways to make it longer. So I think I’ll be back here for more. 

8 x 200 is pretty good, but the 3 minutes rest in between was a nice long rest. We walked back down the hill and then turned around and came right back up! 

I screwed up on my watch, I know I thought we were past that too. So we actually only ran 7 hill repeats. Oops. 








I can’t remember when, but at some point we started switching between two different paths to mix it up a bit. 

It was a solid workout. 

On the way home we went up the creek trail and then took the railroad home. The Loppet race goes down them for a short bit, but it wasn’t an ideal finish as we ended up having to run tie to tie. (Good agility work on tired legs, right)

Total miles 4.42 in 1:00:00.