Tag Archives: Minnesota

Today is National Running Day!


If you read this blog, there is a good chance that for you every day is a running day for you. But lots of people don’t run on a regular basis, in fact many people have no physical activity as part of their routine.

According to the event’s website:

National Running Day is a national initiative whereby many of the major organizations within the running industry are joining forces in an unprecedented unified effort to nationally and locally promote running as a healthy, easy, and accessible form of exercise. The inaugural National Running Day will be Wednesday, June 3.

Everyone is encouraged to not only go for a run but also to encourage someone else to get out on the trails as well. Especially children.

In the Twin Cities area, many local running stores are having events with “celebrity runners”. No, not the TV or political personalities, but real bona fide running celebrities. Athletes from Team USA Minnesota will be running with us mere mortals. So take this opportunity to run and “beat” a professional athlete!

Image from Team USA Minnesota website.
No image of the men is currently available.

All of the below events start at 6pm and are free!

Marathon Sports, 2312 W. 50th Street, Mpls.; meet and run with Kristen Nicolini Lehmkuhle, Jason Lehmkuhle, and Meghan Armstrong, grab a free massage from the experts of Lyn Lake Chiropractic and enjoy refreshments afterward
Life Time Fitness, St. Louis Park, 5525 Cedar Lake Road, St. Louis Park; meet and run with Katie McGregor, Michelle Lilienthal and Missy Buttry Rock Distances range from one to 8 miles. Stay for refreshments afterward.
Life Time Fitness, Highland Park, 2145 Ford Parkway, St. Paul; meet and run with Olympian Carrie Tollefson and Antonio Vega . Distances range from one to 6 miles and more. Stay for refreshments afterward.
Kenwood Park, 2101 W. Franklin Avenue, Minneapolis; meet and run with Emily Brown and Josh Moen Distances start at one and two miles.
Como Park Lakeside Pavilion, 1360 Lexington Pkwy. N., St. Paul; meet and run with Matt Gabrielson. Distances start at one mile. Stay for refreshments afterward.
Running Room, 1068 Grand Ave., St. Paul. Distances include 1 mile walk, 1 mile run, 2 miles, 4 miles and more. Stay for refreshments afterward.

Enjoy the fun. Thanks to Twin Cities Marathon‘s e-mail update with this great information.

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Race Plan: Lake Minnetonka Half-Marathon

The time has come.  Twelve weeks of training is about to pay off on what should be a beautiful morning to race around beautiful Lake Minnetonka.

Yesterday I published a course preview and I must say that I think it is a pretty ideal course.  Point to point, a few hills, and nice scenery.

My goal is to break 1:30:00 in the half-marathon.  This equals a 6:52 pace for 13.1 miles.  I always say this – but my plan is to go out slow and finish faster.  I’d like to go through the first mile in about 7:15 and then slowly pick up the pace throughout.  I don’t often do this part successfully (although I did it too successfully at the Mid-South Half Marathon, going out 8:05 which was a little too slow!).

I’ve been able to nudge my times down.  My official PR is 1:33:22 set at the Rochester Half Marathon last year.  However, during the City of Lakes 25k I came through the half-marathon in 1:31 something.

I just need to relax, go out slow, and not get over-psyched about the race and I’ll let my training speak for itself.  A Sunday morning race, will make for a pretty low-key Saturday (hopefully) and I should be able to get and stay hydrated and eat good pre-race foods.

About the Race

The 2009 Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon in its 29th year of running filled and closed again this year.  As suspected this is NOT a closed course (if you look at the map you’ll see that some of these roads are the only way in and out of the area) but you are allowed to wear headphones!  They are offering awards in 10 year age groups.  There isn’t much race history to be found on the website.  Wells Fargo is the “title” sponsor for the event starting in downtown Wayzata and finishing in downtown Excelsior.

About Lake Minnetonka

From the Lake Minnetonka website:

Lake Minnetonka (meaning “Big Waters” in the native Dakota language), is located twenty miles due West of Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota. Formed by glacial melting following the last Ice Age, Lake Minnetonka is one of the largest lakes in the state, boasting 110 miles of shoreline (officially). Other estimates have placed the figure closer to 350 miles, but any way you slice it, it’s a BIG lake.

Various Native American tribes inhabited the area for centuries before the lake was discovered by portagers in 1822. Ancient Indian burial mounds are visible in many locations along the shoreline, and one village on the western end of the lake was originally christened “Mound City” for this reason (known today simply as Mound).

In 1852, a dam was built on Minnehaha Creek and a logger’s settlement grew into the village of Minnetonka Mills. That same year, a fellow from New York City by the name of George Bertram, after a brief visit to the lake, returned to the east coast and recruited a number of his friends, establishing the “Excelsior Pioneer Association”. They returned to Lake Minnetonka in 1853 and founded the town of Excelsior on the southern side of the lower lake.

Wayzata (Dakota for “North Shore”), was founded in 1854, followed by Deephaven, Orono, and nearly a dozen other townships and municipalities.

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World No Tobacco Day 5K

Want to help low-income children who suffer from persistent asthma? While running a fast 5k?

Check out the World No Tobacco Day 5K Run to be held on May 31, 2009.  Smoke Free Dakota County is hosting this first-year event that will run along the Big Rivers Regional Trail starting in Lilydale.  The 5k starts at 8am or take part in the group stretching event at 7:40.  Registration begins at $15 before May 1 and tops out at $20 for race day entry.

Their will be prizes for the top 3 male and female finishers along with a Sprint cellphone give-away that is open to all runners.

Diane Tran, race director, summarized her thoughts about the race for me:

We’re so excited to celebrate World No Tobacco Day 2009 with a 5K race on a beautiful trail in northern Dakota County! The course overlooks the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers and will be a lot of fun for the runners. Also, our t-shirts are pretty rad!

From their website:

Join Smoke-Free Dakota for the World No Tobacco Day 5K Run on Sunday, May 31, 2009! The run will benefit low-income children with persistent asthma to attend Camp SuperKids 2009, a weeklong summer camp sponsored by the American Lung Association in Minnesota. Asthma is the leading serious chronic illness in children in the U.S. and is the number one cause of student absences related to chronic conditions. Campers will learn to better manage their asthma and gain confidence through building relationships with their peers to ensure a future of better health!

The USATF-certified 5K Run (Certification # MN-09010-RR) will start at the eastern end (in Lilydale) of the Big Rivers Regional Trail, a nearly flat paved trail built on an abandoned railroad bed overlooking the confluence of the Minnesota and Mississppi Rivers.

Check out their “rad” t-shirt design:

[tags] Dakota County, Smoke Free, 5k, Asthma, USATF [/tags]

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Race Plan: Fred Kurz 10 Miler

My training plan calls for a 15k race this week.  The closest I can find is the Fred Kurz Memorial 10 mile race hosted by my running club – the MDRA.

The race is only $5 for members and $8 for everyone else.  Membership does have its rewards! When I sent in my registration I didn’t realize this was a handicapped race.  Slow runners will start first and then we will all finish about the same time.

Here are the times I submitted (late):

Human Race 8k  2009 – 33:03  (6:38)
Giving Thanks 5k – 20:01  (6:26)
USATF-MN 10k XC – 43:09  (6:56)

The official entry says they will use the “”world-renowned” Lanin Guessimetric Method (implemented by Rick Recker)”. My research showed no handicap method with that name – so I’m guess it is a super special formula of guessing. We shall see.

My last and only 10 mile run was a DINO Trail race in Indianapolis.  My time for that was 1:19:11 (7:55) so hopefully I can beat that!  My current 15K PR is 1:03:24 (6:48) which would be right where I want to run on Saturday.   Based on that my goal will be to run 1:08 for 10 miles.  Based on the 2008 results this would place me pretty high overall (8th) and win my 10 year age group.

The Fred Kurz race will be an out and back along the Luce Line Trail (DNR) starting in Wayzata, MN.  The site says it is hard packed clay. However, there is currently construction on this segment of the Luce Line and all the site say is a “modified course” so that should be interesting.

Who is Fred Kurz?

From the race website:

Fred Kurz was a charter member of the Minnesota Distance Running Association. A resident of St. Paul, he attended Murray High School and the University of Chicago. He was killed in a bicycle-automobile accident in 1963. This race in his memory is the oldest continuously held running event in Minnesota.

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USATF-MN Team/Championship Schedule

The 2009 USATF-MN Team Circuit and Championship Race Schedule was voted on awhile back.  Here is the schedule:

I recognize at least two races are missing from the schedule which is good! Last year I ran the 5000m championship on the track and that wasn’t very exciting. The Earth Day Half Marathon was also on last year’s circuit.  It was the weekend before Boston last year and I imagine that is why it got left out of the schedule this year. It is a little odd that there isn’t a half-marathon on the schedule at all though.

Here is an interview with USATF Minnesota Long Distance Running Competition Chairman Ed Whetham from Down the Backstretch about the 2009 circuit.

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