Tag Archives: Diane

10252019 – CrossFit

Today was the third workout in the CrossFit Open 20.3. This is actually a repeat of 18.4, repeats happen every year, but this is the first time I’ve actually repeated a workout that I had done in a previous Open. Here is what happened last time. I have a higher 1 rep max but actually did 2 reps less this time around. Friday Night Lights is a powerful motivator. I might have been able to move a little bit faster, but can’t imagine getting 2 more reps.

I finished in our gym’s modified scaled division again. Same exact weight scheme and everything. All in a 9 minute time cap. I finished 92 reps – 185lbs for the first sets 21-15-9 (deadlift and hand release pushups). Which was 2 reps at 255lbs Deadlift. No need to worry about the shoulder taps or anything else!

03162018 – CrossFit

18.4 = brutal!

Another hard workout that was unfinishable! This week for the CrossFit Open workout, I couldn’t make my normal 5:30am slot and attended Friday Night Lights!! It was a fun atmosphere with more energy than a normal class. It also included lots of anxious waiting time! I went in Heat 2 so I could see it done first and had plenty of time to warm-up.

18.4 was Diane followed by more deadlifts and Handstand Walk. In my guess for the workout, I included a handstand walk – though I can’t do one!

Here is my score sheet:

Note that I did it Scaled+ which is a denotation for our gym’s competition and doesn’t correlate to the actual Open. Hannah, our fearless leader has for each workout mixed it up a little to fit our people. So the scaled plus was heavier weights and a harder modification for the handstand walk. Here is what I did:

Diane –

21 Deadlifts 185#

21 Hand Release Pushups

15 Deadlifts 185#

15 Hand Release Pushups

9 Deadlifts 185#

9 Hand Release Pushups

That took about 7 minutes, then came the really hard part.

4 Deadlifts at 255# and that was 9 minutes.

You can see in this picture the Rx (blue), Scaled+ (Orange), and Scaled (pink) modifications for us.

I honestly didn’t think I’d make it through Diane in 9 minutes so I was quite pleased by that! Because of that, I hadn’t really looked at the weights for the second part. I knew that 45 reps at 185# would be tough – I haven’t done Deadlifts with heavy weight in forever! Dan had done the Scaled+ and said that I should do it. My 1RM is 265. So yes, I just did 4 reps at 96% of my 1 RM. As my sister said, “that’s not your 1RM anymore!”

After I finished I was asked to Judge for Garrett, who did an awesome job at Rx and almost made it through Diane. And then Mary who blasted through Diane and finished her round of 15 at Scaled+ as the buzzer went off!