Tag Archives: CrossFit Open

03232018 – CrossFit

18.5 was the 5th and final workout of the 2018 CrossFit Open and it was a doozy! For an extra level of crazy, we the CrossFit community got to vote. Over 300,000 people voted. Fifty percent (including me) voted for 11.6 which was the winner.

Two of the three options included Thrusters while the third had Overhead Squats. All three included Chest to Bar pullups (which I can’t do). I immediately knew I’d prefer thrusters over the overhead squat as I can do more weight and reps of a thruster. Of the two remaining workouts, 11.6 had a more preferred structure to it. I would have done the hard work no matter what!

Here were the 3 options:

So… 18.5 was 11.6

A 7 minute AMRAP with an ascending rep scheme of

3 Thrusters

3 C2B pullups

6 Thrusters

6 C2B

9 Thrusters

9 C2B, etc adding 3 reps each time.

I completed the official CrossFit scaled version which was 65# for the thruster and jumping pullups. The jumping pullups seemed easy while setting up, the bar was 6 inches above your head.

Do you know what a Thruster is? One of my coaches says that it is when a Front Squat and Push Press have a baby. The idea is one fluid movement from the bottom of a front squat to the bar locked out overhead!

The set of 3 goes by super quick. The 6 went by pretty quick too, but bam in the middle of 9 it was like what just happened. It was either in the 9 or 12 set that I had to break my thrusters up for the first time. And I think in the 12 when the jumping pullups stopped being easy! I was trying to keep moving, but needed to take a few seconds between each movement to get a few breaths in. I got back to the bar for the set of 18 with I think 30 seconds left and pushed myself to get some reps in. I can’t believe that I got 12 reps in! They were hard, but as time expires you dig deep!

I finished with 102 total reps. I was quite pleased with myself. I was feeling really tired as I hadn’t slept super well and I’d just done the running workout the evening before.

How’d the Open Season go for you?

03162018 – CrossFit

18.4 = brutal!

Another hard workout that was unfinishable! This week for the CrossFit Open workout, I couldn’t make my normal 5:30am slot and attended Friday Night Lights!! It was a fun atmosphere with more energy than a normal class. It also included lots of anxious waiting time! I went in Heat 2 so I could see it done first and had plenty of time to warm-up.

18.4 was Diane followed by more deadlifts and Handstand Walk. In my guess for the workout, I included a handstand walk – though I can’t do one!

Here is my score sheet:

Note that I did it Scaled+ which is a denotation for our gym’s competition and doesn’t correlate to the actual Open. Hannah, our fearless leader has for each workout mixed it up a little to fit our people. So the scaled plus was heavier weights and a harder modification for the handstand walk. Here is what I did:

Diane –

21 Deadlifts 185#

21 Hand Release Pushups

15 Deadlifts 185#

15 Hand Release Pushups

9 Deadlifts 185#

9 Hand Release Pushups

That took about 7 minutes, then came the really hard part.

4 Deadlifts at 255# and that was 9 minutes.

You can see in this picture the Rx (blue), Scaled+ (Orange), and Scaled (pink) modifications for us.

I honestly didn’t think I’d make it through Diane in 9 minutes so I was quite pleased by that! Because of that, I hadn’t really looked at the weights for the second part. I knew that 45 reps at 185# would be tough – I haven’t done Deadlifts with heavy weight in forever! Dan had done the Scaled+ and said that I should do it. My 1RM is 265. So yes, I just did 4 reps at 96% of my 1 RM. As my sister said, “that’s not your 1RM anymore!”

After I finished I was asked to Judge for Garrett, who did an awesome job at Rx and almost made it through Diane. And then Mary who blasted through Diane and finished her round of 15 at Scaled+ as the buzzer went off!

03132018 – CrossFit

Someone programmed past open workouts into Open season… Today was 15.1 and 15.1a.

The full workout description is here with analysis here.

9 minute AMRAP of:

15 Toes to Bar

10 Deadlifts 115#

5 Snatches

Then 15.1a was 6 minutes to find 1 RM of Clean and Jerk.

I did the scaled movements and weight for the first part of Hanging Knee Raises and 85 pounds on the bar.

In warmups I did get my first Toes to Bar and got a few in! Not smooth, similar kipping hiccup to my pull ups.

I was able to complete 5 rounds and 26 reps which means I got 1 snatch done in my last round.

Then I hit a quick Clean and Jerk at the 85# and then took a minute to recover. I made 3 or 4 lift before hitting the last one with 5 seconds left of 125#. This was a 20# PR from the last time we tested a Clean and Jerk in 2016. But not necessarily a PR of the other combinations of the lifts. I will take it though, especially right after a 9 minute MetCon.

03132018 – CrossFit

Someone programmed past open workouts into Open season… Today was 15.1 and 15.1a.

The full workout description is here with analysis here.

9 minute AMRAP of:

15 Toes to Bar

10 Deadlifts 115#

5 Snatches

Then 15.1a was 6 minutes to find 1 RM of Clean and Jerk.

I did the scaled movements and weight for the first part of Hanging Knee Raises and 85 pounds on the bar.

In warmups I did get my first Toes to Bar and got a few in! Not smooth, similar kipping hiccup to my pull ups.

I was able to complete 5 rounds and 26 reps which means I got 1 snatch done in my last round.

Then I hit a quick Clean and Jerk at the 85# and then took a minute to recover. I made 3 or 4 lift before hitting the last one with 5 seconds left of 125#. This was a 20# PR from the last time we tested a Clean and Jerk in 2016. But not necessarily a PR of the other combinations of the lifts. I will take it though, especially right after a 9 minute MetCon.

03092018 – CrossFit

This was seriously no joke. I missed watching the announcement live and got a text that just said… 800 double unders. Then some more details. My first thought was I can barely get 3 dubs in a row and they usually double the number for single unders. Fortunately that wasn’t the case!

Here is the actual 18.3 Rx
2 rounds for time:
100 double-under
20 overhead squats (115/80)
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches (50/35)
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups

*14 min time cap

Here’s what I did:

100 single-unders
20 overhead squats 45#
100 single-unders
12 pullups
100 single-unders
20 dumbbell snatches 50#
100 single-unders
12 pullups

*14 min time cap

My gym took some coaching license for our competition and made modifications to the scaling. I was going to attempt a scaled +(-) the scaled plus still had dubs so I was going to do those but the overhead squat weight was lower and had pull ups.

Anyway, I was going for 95# on the overhead squat. Let’s just say that was going to work. After 5 or 6 attempts I’d only completed 2 reps, I just couldn’t quite get low enough. So we stripped the plates and I finished the last 18 reps at the scaled weight of 45#. I didn’t get any more no reps!

No muscle ups here and not anywhere close! I did manage to get all 24 pull ups done with only 1 no rep! He didn’t really want to call it, so I just hopped up and did one more. It was mainly in sets of 2 or 3, but I got it done!

The 50# dumbbell snatch might be the biggest achievement of the morning. I wasn’t 100% sure I’d be able to do it, but it was only 10 per arm! I managed to get through with only one break and no no reps!

I made it through the first round and started all over! I was able to make it through the next 100 single unders and got 9 overhead squats done before hitting the time cap! My total was 573 reps!

I won’t have time, but I’m curious about what I could do if I attempted it scaled as written. Thoughts?