Tag Archives: CrossFit Open

10112019 – CrossFit

Today was the beginning of the 2020 CrossFit Open. Yes, this is 2 opens in one year and yes it is still 2019 but this is the 2020 Open. They changed things up and the Open is now in the fall for qualification into the 2020 Games.

Anyways, 20.1 is no joke!

10 Rounds For Time of:

8 Ground to Overhead

10 Bar Facing Burpees; with a 15 minute time cap.

I did the CrossFit Scaled version which was Solcana’s Gold version. It was 65# on the bar and I stepped over instead of jumping over the barbell. After warming up I judged for Nate before doing mine. His recommendation was to go for several rounds of unbroken snatches, break a few sets up into 2 sets of 4, and then go back to full sets if possible at the end to push through.

I was able to do that, the step overs were great as the burpees really accumulated the fatigue for me. Last night after climbing I felt some soreness in my hip flexor, so I was a little nervous about this workout. It felt a lot better this morning, but not ideal for this workout! I just finished 7 rounds getting the last burpee in as time was called. 65# was a good weight for the snatches. I felt like I could have gone for a little while longer on the snatches, but I was definitely slowing down!

How was your 20.1?

03082019 – CrossFit

19.3 was no joke on the gluteus! You know when no one in the announcement makes it through the workout that it is going to be hard! For some reason the official scaled workout still had handstand pushups in it. Otherwise I did the scaled version which was:

200ft lunges with 35# dumbbell overhead

50 box step ups with 35# dumbbell

50 hand release pushups

20 Wall walks (my gym’s modification for handstand walk – not many made it to this)

In a 10 minute time cap I made it through the lunges pretty well. The box steps were hard to get into a rhythm. I took a quick walk around the box after every 10 to catch my breath. I was able to complete 32 push-ups before running out of time. I broke those up into sets of 5. Holding the dumbbell overhead for so long definitely wore on my shoulders which I didn’t realize until I was in the pushups. That would have been super fatiguing if you were upside down!

My final score was 122 of our scaled version! I was in the 3:30pm class and at that point only 1 athlete at the gym had finished the workout in under 10 minutes.

03012019 – CrossFit

Today was 19.2. This is essentially a repeat of 16.2 with some modifications in the time cap. I was struggling with which workout to do… Solcana has their own scaling structure for gym points and that is really what matters for me. I decided that I would do the Gold version which used Toes to Shoulders (or hands on a higher bar and getting toes to lower bar on the rig) as I knew Hanging Knee Raises would feel too easy. T2S was crazy hard!

Here is what the workout looked like for my scaling option:

Gold 19.2
Beginning on an 8-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
15 squat cleans (105/75)
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
13 squat cleans (135/95)

If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
11 squat cleans (155/115)

If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
9 squat cleans (185/115)

If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
7 squat cleans (205/135)

Stop at 20 minutes.

I finished one full round and 13 reps of the T2S of the second round. It was no joke. I wasn’t able to get into a rhythm for them. The squat cleans felt hard but doable and I’d do a couple touch and go and then a couple one at a time. I think the second round was going to be rough, but I didn’t expect to end so early in the second round.

It was awesome to watch other athletes push hard with one in my class completing the workout with time to spare and a few just barely missing a cutoff but giving it everything they could.

02222019 – CrossFit

The CrossFit Open season has begun!! There have been loads of changes from HQ, but they still came up with a legit workout, that at first glance seems simple, but man does it hurt!

19.1 is a couplet of 19 Wall Balls and 19 Calorie Rowing for 15 minutes getting as many reps as possible (AMRAP). Easy peasy or something! The 15 minutes is a long time for these two intense movements. The Rx was a 20# wall ball at a 10′ high standard.

I completed a total of 218 reps (each calorie is one rep) in the 15 minutes. That is 5 rounds and 28 reps. I might have started off a little fast, finishing the first round in about 2 minutes. But I broke up the wall balls into a set of 10 and a set of 9. I didn’t think about it until I was judging my partner, but I should have been watching the calorie/hour to try and be consistent each round. It was slowly taking me longer on each round to do the calories starting at about a minute and ending at about 80 seconds. I think in the last two rounds I ended up breaking the wall balls into sets of 5 and one random round in the middle I dropped the ball as sand fell in my face on the first rep. The last round I dropped the ball with 1 rep to go, oops! My judge said I had good form throughout and I didn’t get any no reps. A spectator said that I was shooting them way higher than I needed to be. There was a random little box right above the 10′ mark that I kept shooting it into, that seemed like an easier target than an arbitrary line as I got tired!

Don’t get me wrong it was no joke, but I didn’t feel it until after my partner was done and I had to walk around more to put stuff away! Oh man!

Who is ready for 19.2?

01182019 – CrossFit

Finally back at the gym! I had hoped to earlier in the week but forgot to sign up and was waitlisted. I don’t usually look at the workouts, I wouldn’t have skipped this one. I think lots of people did though!

We are in a prep cycle for the CrossFit Open. And a lot of that is doing old open workouts. Mike was the only other person who showed up for the 3:30 class to do 13.1 with me!

This was rough! Here is the RX written workout from the website:

MEN – includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
40 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 burpees
210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

That’s a lot of burpees and some heavy snatching! My 1RM is 110 for the snatch. I don’t remember exactly how all the scaling was laid out, but I decided to start at 65 and then jump to 95 and maybe get into the third round. The above also doesn’t highlight that the burpees are to a 6 inch target (6 inches above your arm reach). So you actually have to jump at the top.

Rich Froning completed 7 snatches in the AMRAP part. The most anyone did was 9 and several athletes in the top 20 that year didn’t make it into the last set of Snatches. All that to say this was a hard workout!

At the go I took a nice and steady pace with the burpees. You wouldn’t think jumping 6 inches is a big deal, but it does add time and quickly adds up! After the first round of snatching 65# I was almost half way done with the time. Yikes! Burpee fatigue was definitely accumulating and then I loaded 95 onto the bar for my second round of Snatch. I failed the first one. Got the second one. Failed the 3rd. Coach Bobby quickly came over and helped me drop the weight back down to 65. The bar felt super light on the first one, but the next ones hurt! I had hoped to go 10 at a time throughout, but ended up just doing 5. I ended with 114 total reps!

That was a lay on the floor afterwards workout for sure!