Tag Archives: crossfit

04112019 – CrossFit

Snow day… We ended up with a snow day today!! I had planned on running, but couldn’t get out of bed in time and it was a mess outside with 4 or 5 inches of fresh heavy snow and some drifts and ice. We probably could have had school, but I think it was a wise decision to be safe. Since today was a scheduled run day and because I had biked on the last run day, I felt like I should do a Strength and Conditioning workout instead of the bike trainer. For simplicity sake I’ll continue to call these CrossFit workouts because they are essentially that with the same format and theory base.

Today’s workout required overhead work so I brought up my barbell and weights and did the workout in the little entry way between the dining and living rooms! I ended up scribbling the workout on some junk mail: 

The Strength was 4 rounds of 2 strict press, 3 push press, and 4 push jerks. I warmed up and did the workout with 65#’s on the bar.  I finished the conditioning workout in 10:45.  For the jump rope I did single unders and just doubled the number.  This was supposed to be PSE Gear 1-4 which essentially means not open mouth breathing. Haha… I tried that but didn’t make it through the first round!  

It was nice to get a workout done and not to leave home on a snow day. 

04032019 – CrossFit

I had trouble deciding what to do this morning. I liked the idea of sleeping in and doing the PSE workout at home. However, getting to see my 5:30am friends at Solcana was also a great idea. The PSE workout had Pendlay Rows which I’ve not done and pullups which I can’t do at home. The Solcana workout had running and deadlifts both of which I’d done already this week. Tough choices…

Ultimately, I ended up going to Solcana. It was also owner/coach Hannah’s last class coaching before going on maternity leave which was a nice bonus! After an extended warmup we did a 5 round metcon! Each round was


30 situps

15 deadlifts 135 (I could maybe have done the next heavier weight, but that was a lot of deadlifts!)

With 1 minute of rest before the next round.

I split the situps and deadlifts into 3 sets for each round. The last round I did less situps per set but did the deadlifts unbroken.

I finished in 24:17. Each round was pretty close time wise. These are my approximate guesses:






It was a good workout!! I never regret going to Solcana, except maybe tomorrow when I have to do intervals again!!

04012019 – CrossFit & Bike

The timing was a little tight from the Winter Triathlon to needing to start a training plan for my Spring 12.5k and Adventure Triathlon. I obviously have a good cardio base to start from, but I need to get more running in for the Superior race as its going to have a lot of hills and I won’t be successful just getting by.

I didn’t want to just use the same CrossFit Endurance training plan as last year, though I ended up going with a Power Speed Endurance Pro (PSE PRO) plan which is essentially the same thing! But it is actually more programmed than what I did last year so we’ll see what happens. Each workout is programmed with notes, warm-up, strength, conditioning, and recovery. Plus a fuel section.

Today is the beginning of the T-Cycle. It will work pretty well until the end when I need to taper down a week before the cycle ends. The weekly cycle includes Strength & Conditioning x 2 (CrossFit), Short Interval Session, Long Interval Session, Sport Specific Strength & Conditioning, Stamina and Active Recovery.

The notes and videos will help along the way and there is a strong emphasis on breath work which is a big component of the PSE model. Each workout begins and ends with breathing.

So today was Deadlifts. 5-4-3-3 (135, 185, 205, 215)

Followed by a 12 minute AMRAP of

20 Kettlebell Swings 53#

10 SeeSaw Dumbells 15#

5 Hang Power Cleans 45#

I finished 7 rounds and 10 swings.

The program lists a range of weights and scaling so I probably should have done more weight on the dumbbells and cleans, but it was also the first programmed workout I’ve tried in the basement and my basement gym lacks some things! I had to do the SeeSaw dumbbells on my knees so I didn’t punch a hole through the ceiling!

03082019 – CrossFit

19.3 was no joke on the gluteus! You know when no one in the announcement makes it through the workout that it is going to be hard! For some reason the official scaled workout still had handstand pushups in it. Otherwise I did the scaled version which was:

200ft lunges with 35# dumbbell overhead

50 box step ups with 35# dumbbell

50 hand release pushups

20 Wall walks (my gym’s modification for handstand walk – not many made it to this)

In a 10 minute time cap I made it through the lunges pretty well. The box steps were hard to get into a rhythm. I took a quick walk around the box after every 10 to catch my breath. I was able to complete 32 push-ups before running out of time. I broke those up into sets of 5. Holding the dumbbell overhead for so long definitely wore on my shoulders which I didn’t realize until I was in the pushups. That would have been super fatiguing if you were upside down!

My final score was 122 of our scaled version! I was in the 3:30pm class and at that point only 1 athlete at the gym had finished the workout in under 10 minutes.

03012019 – CrossFit

Today was 19.2. This is essentially a repeat of 16.2 with some modifications in the time cap. I was struggling with which workout to do… Solcana has their own scaling structure for gym points and that is really what matters for me. I decided that I would do the Gold version which used Toes to Shoulders (or hands on a higher bar and getting toes to lower bar on the rig) as I knew Hanging Knee Raises would feel too easy. T2S was crazy hard!

Here is what the workout looked like for my scaling option:

Gold 19.2
Beginning on an 8-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
15 squat cleans (105/75)
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
13 squat cleans (135/95)

If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
11 squat cleans (155/115)

If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
9 squat cleans (185/115)

If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-shoulder
50 double-unders or 100 single-unders
7 squat cleans (205/135)

Stop at 20 minutes.

I finished one full round and 13 reps of the T2S of the second round. It was no joke. I wasn’t able to get into a rhythm for them. The squat cleans felt hard but doable and I’d do a couple touch and go and then a couple one at a time. I think the second round was going to be rough, but I didn’t expect to end so early in the second round.

It was awesome to watch other athletes push hard with one in my class completing the workout with time to spare and a few just barely missing a cutoff but giving it everything they could.