Tag Archives: crossfit

04292019 – CrossFit

Early morning!! After a short warm-up I did some deadlifts. It was a simple scheme – 5-4-3-2-1 with increasing weight for each round. I started with 135# on the bar, then 185#, then 205#, then 215# and finishing with 220#.

After the deadlifts I did 3 rounds of a hip thruster movement followed by a heavy suitcase march (holding a kettlebell in one arm). These were more accessory type movements than anything major.

The Conditioning portion was a 14 minute EMOM that I had to cut short as it was getting late. It had two movements – thrusters and swings. They didn’t want you to break anything up or to do so only in half so I did 55# thrusters and the 35# swings. I finished 3 rounds of each outside on the back patio before rushing inside to get ready for work!

I need to set my alarm for a little earlier so I have more time! But really 4:30am is already so early..

04272019 – Bike and CrossFit

Some of the Mountain Bike trails are slowly opening up. At one point we had snow in the forecast, it had been changed to rain in the late morning. I decided to get the Mountain Bike out and do some of the trails – the one open trail is an Expert. I did it once, but walked a lot of it. No point in trying it.  I rode the Karate Monkey section. It was nice to be out riding the trails.  There was one muddy section and the section by the creek was a little wetter than tacky.  Then I rode hard on the paved trails to the SW section of trails.  This is the Quaking Bog area. Its got a lot of hill and flow sections.  I struggle with confidence on some of the flow stuff but it was still fun to be seeing dirt and mixing up the training.  I definitely felt the heavy squatting yesterday!  After finishing this section I took off on the pavement again and did the Karate Monkey section one more time!  

Finished 8 miles in 57:53. 

Then just over 2 hours until CrossFit!!

We did another nice long warm-up and then started working on Power Snatching to a heavy set of 2. I actually did an overall PR for these! I had about 2 minutes left in the 12 minute time cap and was at 95 pounds. I added the 2.5# plates and a pair of 0.5# plates to bump it over my 100# PR. I could probably have done a little more, but felt better doing the 6# leap instead of a 10# one.

Then another short burner. 2 Rounds for Time (12 minute cap) of

10 Dumbbell (25#) Right arm cleans

10 Dumbbell Overhead Squats Right arm

5 Pull-ups

10 Dumbbell (25#) Left arm cleans

10 Dumbbell Overhead Squats Left arm

5 Pull-ups

This was a good one, we drilled the cleans as full depth so that’s what we tried to do with them. I think the 25# might have been a little light, but the 35# would have been too much. I finished in 7:06.

This afternoon we biked as a neighborhood group down to the Trailhead for their Spring Block Party. We had a lot of fun goofing around and enjoying what turned out to be a beautiful day!

04262019 – CrossFit and Run

The 3:30 class was pretty full which was a nice change from the past few weeks! The work day was pretty stressful and we had a full evening, but it was good workout! 

After a pretty long warm-up we had 12 minutes to find a Heavy set of 2 back squats. I probably had a little bit more in me when the time cap hit.  I totally screwed up the warm-up sets when I put 45# plates on the bar…. oops. We were supposed to start at 50% and 135 is more like 70%.  Yikes! It took me until the second warm-up set to realize the mistake.  I ended at 180 for the Heavy 2. 

Then the MetCon was a 10 minute AMRAP with three movements. 

20 single arm kettlebell swings 35#, 15 sit-ups, and 1 length sled push with 45# plate on it. I actually started with the sled push. It was a quick little burner. I was able to complete 5 rounds plus 27 reps of the Gold standard. 

After cooling down a little bit I changed and headed to our friends house for our annual Get in Gear Fun Run tradition. We meet-up and then all walk (kids biked this year) down to the Minnehaha Falls to check-in.  This year they had the 3 options again 2K, 3K, or 4K. They have the turn around spots marked and you can choose as you go. After last year’s breakout run by Caleb I went with him! 

Ready to Go!

Caleb went out like a rocket cutting in and out of people!  I had to go pretty quick to keep up with him and I ended up running on the side of the road so I wouldn’t be dodging hundreds of kids. Once I caught back up I told him to try and pace himself a little bit! He walked for about 1 a minute and then took off again!  He had been saying he wanted to do the 2K so I wasn’t surprised when as we approached the turn around he said he wanted to turn around.  We waved at our friends as we ran back past them. On the way back he walked for about a minute and I kept reminding him to take it easy! I told him as we rounded the final bend that he could run all out after we passed a specific light pole. It was maybe a little too far out for him.

Kicking to the finish!

We finished in just over 13 minutes. After sitting for a bit he said he wished he had gone longer! Nadia decided to do the 3K so we had to wait for a little while but it was fun to see all the kids of different ages coming through!  

Finishing happy and strong!

After everyone finished we hit up the refreshment tables, dance tent, and race cars before heading back to our friends and enjoying pizza and friends!

04132019 – CrossFit

The plan had been to get up and run and then do 10am CrossFit while one child was doing the CrossFit Kids program. But I was definitely feeling tired from the late Friday night and didn’t wake up with time to run, recover, and CrossFit. I’m kind of glad I didn’t because the workout was hard enough as it was!

The warm-up was a tempo push-up EMOM with 3 push-ups each minute following a 3 second down, 3 second hold at bottom, and regular pace back up. It was only 21 push-ups but the tempo caught up to you!

The strength portion was a Power Snatch workout. Another EMOM with 5 Power Snatches per minute for 8 minutes. The plan was start light and end up at a challenging weights. I started with the empty bar and progressed from there. So I did 45, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85. The last 5 at 85 was definitely challenging. The combination of the weight and the volume was tough!

Then the MetCon. I ended up doing the Silver as written which meant my weights were a little light, but I can’t do Toes 2 Bar. I need to work on the kipping motion to really make progress I think. The weight for silver was 55#. The class was full so there weren’t any 35# bars left so I opted for the 45# with small 5# plates which meant I was a little lower starting on the deadlifts so I didn’t take them back the floor. But also 55# deadlift was pretty light for me. So the workout was 5 rounds for time of 10 Toes to Shoulder, 10 Shoulder to Overhead (I did Push Jerks), and 10 Deadlifts all with the same barbell. I finished at exactly the 8 minute mark. This was no joke of a workout!

04122019 – CrossFit

I don’t want to give up my Friday time at Solcana, the PSE Pro training plan has Friday as a Sport Specific Strength and Conditioning Workout. I need to do a better job at the beginning of the week in mapping out the plan for the week so I can move workouts around better. I also need to do a better job of getting up and out in the mornings for a workout too! Solcana doesn’t publish the workouts until 8pm the night before, but I do now know the strength schedule will be squats on Friday and Power Snatches on Saturday.

The warm-up was Kettlebell windmills, swings, and jumping lunges.

Strength was Back Squats and Pause Back Squats. We slowly worked our way up to the working weight and then did 4×4 it was supposed to be around 80%. I got to 155#’s and felt that was weight for the day. Then we dropped a bunch of weight and did squats with a 2 second pause at bottom and a 2 second pause just above parallel each rep. I did these at 115#’s. It was supposed to be around 60%. 80% for me is 165 and 60% is 123. I haven’t squatted since January and nothing consistent since last summer so that isn’t too surprising.

We then did a partner workout which was simple, but was a 14 minute AMRAP of waiter walk and weighted lunges with the same kettle bell. I used the 35# one. I can get the 53#’s up and locked out but would have struggled to maintain it throughout. I ended with 5 complete rounds and Rica finished us out with a few lengths on the waiter walk and she started first so we had a total of 10 rounds and a few reps.