Tag Archives: crossfit

07082019 – CrossFit & Bike

Got up early for 5:30am CrossFit and it felt great. We did handstand practice, something that I still need work on getting up into the handstand. We then did 5×8 Deadlifts at 60% so I did 185. 8 reps is a lot. I’ve not deadlifted in awhile so I’m sure I’ll feel it later! We then had a 7 minute metcon. When I first looked at it, I thought it was an AMRAP. But no, the last movement was max effort! The movements were – 40 burpees (which took almost half the time), 20 calorie row (which was about 90 seconds) and then maximum effort wall balls (basically as many wall balls as possible with the time left). I got to the wall balls with about 90 seconds left and I got 21 done in that time frame. I used a 20# ball for a platinum level performance!

After dropping the kids off at their programs (only 90 minutes this week) I headed out for a bike workout. The workout was 3-4 rounds but I was only able to get in 2 rounds based on the time that I had. The workout was 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 minute intervals with an equal amount of rest. I guess I never set the watch up to do intervals in bike mode so I couldn’t actually track the intervals or time. And my bike computer isn’t connecting to the sensors so I didn’t really have any live data while riding. I used the clock on the computer to guesstimate the timing of my intervals and recovery.

I rode North on West River Road and cut over to the Dinkytown Greenway. My first interval ended about 1/2 up the hill from Bohemian Flats and Downtown so I went ahead and spun up the rest of it! After crossing the Mississippi River I connected with East River Road and took that all the way to the MN 5 Bridge crossing at Fort Snelling. Most of the workout was on East River Road and one of the other intervals ended in the middle of a hill, but I can’t remember which one for sure now. I knew I was running tight on time and got to the bridge right about the time I needed to start the last interval. Unfortunately, this bridge has about 20 steps to carry down the bike, then cross the river and then about 20 steps back up. I did those as quick as possible and started my last interval when I got to the top of the stairs! I rode through Historic Fort Snelling coming out near Coldwater Springs and then followed the road to Minnehaha Falls. The last interval ended along that road and I relaxed a little but didn’t go super easy as I needed to get back to pickup the kids! I made it right on time, though I was still sweating when I walked into the building! Overall, I felt like I was hitting it pretty hard, though I know my legs were sore from CrossFit in the morning.

The total ride was 17.47 miles in 1:10:15.

07032019 – CrossFit & Swim

I went to the 5:30am CrossFit class at Solcana. It was hard to get up so early, but nice to get the workout in! The warmup/gymnastics was accumulating 15 strict toes to shoulder. I did sets of 3 and it took a little while, especially with the strict designation!

The MetCon was a 30 minute AMRAP! It included an Iron Madien Crawl (bear crawl and pulling the 80# sandbag the length of gym), 10 pullups, Goblet Carry to corner and back, 10 pushups, grass loop run, and then 1 minute rest! I tried the 70# kettlebell for the Goblet Carry and I was able to get it up, but obviously not able to walk with it! The 53# was pretty heavy and I decided to go with that, but wow was it harder than I thought it would be! I used a box for the pushups, after Murph I think that was a good call for the longer work session. The 1 minute rest was a nice addition! I did 4 rounds and 16 reps (so just into the pushups). That was a good burner!

Later in the afternoon we went with friends to Hidden Beach. There were 3 adults and 6 kids so we took turns playing/supervising the kids and doing some swimming. It was a little windy so there was some chop on the lake which got to be quite a bit. And outside of the swim area was a good amount of seaweed so that wasn’t ideal. I guesstimated 400 yards of swimming, no real clue though! We had fun watching the clouds roll in and out wondering if it was going to do anything or not!

07012019 – CrossFit

For Strength, I did 5 per side front rack barbell step-ups (onto the kitchen stool), 5 side lunges, and 6 per side Romanian deadlifts each was 3 times through. I used the 35# kettlebell for the deadlifts and an empty barbell for the step-ups.

The MetCon was 3 x 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rest. Each round was AMRAP 3 front squat, 3 strict pullups and 3 each side plate woodcutters. I used 25# plate for the woodcutters. I didn’t do full pullups as I don’t have enough head clearance for that, but I got up as far as I could! The woodcutters were a little tricky and I wish I could have asked questions instead of just watching a video.

06282019 – CrossFit

This was supposed to be part of a bigger workout block, but I was only able to do the MetCon portion. It was a 10 minute AMRAP with 10 air squats, 20 mountain climbers, and 30 double unders or 60 singles or a minute of double under practice. I chose to go with the single unders just to make it more work.

I finished the 10 minutes with just over 7 rounds. I definitely lost track of the rounds with all of that counting! The mountain climbers started feeling quicker once I got into it.

06242019 – CrossFit

Yay, I made it back to Solcana and in the morning! I went for the 6:30am class as I didn’t have any specific reason to go to the 5:30. I still got to see a lot of my old friends finishing the workout!

After warming up we did 14 minutes to a heavy Turkish Get Up. This has to be one of the weirdest exercises ever! So many different steps to get from lying down to standing up. I started with a 5lb plate and moved up in 5lb intervals to a 35# kettlebell during the time allotted.

The MetCon portion of the workout was a partner WOD with alternating rounds of work. I did the workout with Martin and we used an 80# sandbag and I used the 35# kettlebell for American swings. It was a 13 minute workout of sandbag carry for maybe 100 yards and then 13 swings. We completed almost 9 rounds.

It felt great to be working out with other people!