Tag Archives: crossfit

07312019 – CrossFit

I made it to a 6:30am class and it was a doozy. It had a longer MetCon after some gymnastics work.

The gymnastics was strict toes to bars, strict toes to shoulders, or V-ups. I tried a strict toes to shoulders and decided I should to the V-ups. We had to accumulate 20 with no more than 4-5 at a time. So I ended up doing 4 sets of 5. The V-ups were a good choice.

The MetCon was 3 – 5 minute AMRAPs with 5 minutes in between each set. Each one had 100 single-unders (thankful for no single vs double penalty here) as a buy in before getting to the work. I did the Silver version which did 20 inch step-ups. I could have still done box jumps, but I opted to do it as written for my scaling. So after the jump rope it was a couplet of squat cleans and setp-ups. During each set of work the cleans went up in weight but down in reps and the step-ups didn’t change. So it looked like:

9 reps at 45#

7 reps at 65#

5 reps at 95#

In the first set I got 3 rounds and 2 reps.

Round 2 I got 3 rounds and 4 reps (Coach Jeff said I had time for one more rep that I didn’t take).

Round 3 I got 2 rounds and 6 reps (Coach Jeff somehow messed up on announcing the time, which isn’t really an excuse for doing so much less reps. Really I think the weight was getting to me. The time left shouldn’t have mattered if I was going at a hard intensity.)

The score was total number of reps, so I had 142 reps (56+52+34).

Then some stretching and bam, that was the day!

07262019 – CrossFit

Was able to make it to Solcana this morning for a good workout!

It was squat day. 3×3 at 82% followed by 2×6 at 75%. I worked up to my 80% but that was going to be too heavy so I dropped a little bit of weight and did 2 more sets. So I did 1×3 at 165 and then 2×3 at 155. I think I dropped too much weight for the 2×6 at 135 but they were still plenty heavy. My random dropping in at the gym means I’ve not done any of the progression work so I’m not terribly surprised.

The MetCon was a good chipper called the “Clliffhanger”. It was all kettlebell!! We did 50 Russian swings, 40 snatches, 30 shoulder to overhead, 20 sumo deadlift high pulls, and 200m suitcase carry. I did it all with a 35# kettlebell. So some movements felt easier than others.

Kettlebell snatches are definitely awkward. My left arm is weaker than my right and it was very obvious on the two different single arm movements. I’d get a couple of good snatches and then struggle for a few. I did everything that was single arm in sets of 5. I finished the workout in 9:27.

It was a good start to the day!

07252019 – CrossFit

Today was retest of the cycle’s baseline workout. I have not done a good job of doing all the work in this cycle, even though some of it matches with what I need (single leg work especially). If you remember the cycle started the week of my off-road triathlon and it took a few weeks to really get into it. But, I still improved on the baseline by 10 reps! My last effort was on June 15.

It took me awhile to decide to actually do the workout instead of laying on the coach, but I’m glad that I did! To refresh – the PSE PRO Cycle U baseline MetCon is a 9 minute AMRAP with 3 movements – 10 pushups, 20 swings, and 200m run. I decided to do the workout exactly as I had last time to actually see how much I improved. I thought about trying the pushups from the ground, but didn’t.

I did the pushups from the second step on our front steps, used a 35# kettlebell and ran to the corner and back. I completed 4 rounds and 12 reps (so all 10 pushups and 2 swings). As I noted this is an improvement of 10 reps! Not too shabby!

I pulled some weeds to recover and then did 3×5 per side of front rack barbell step ups with 65#’s and 3×5 per side of hamstring bridges. Then I pulled more weeds!

07182019 – CrossFit & Swim

Made it to the 6:30am class today. It is always nice to be back at the gym. Its nice to have all the equipment, programming, and of course supportive people and coaches to cheer you on!

Today was a shoulder press day. I’ve struggled with this movement in the past. Its not surprising I guess. I have trouble getting the bar out of the front rack, especially. We did a few kettlebell presses and then an arm bar press, which was a lot like a Turkish Getup, except you rolled over (with the kettlebell locked out overhead) instead of getting up.

The plan was to get to a heavy 5 and then do 4 sets of 4 with that weight. I used the 35# bar to give myself an extra warm-up set. So I did the bar, 45, 55, 65, and ended on 75. The sets of 4 were not terrible, but definitely were not easy. I probably couldn’t have done any higher weight than that.

Following the shoulder press, we did a relatively short, 2 movement metcon that had box jumps and sit-ups. The rep scheme was 18-15-12-9-6-3. I used a 24″ box which was Platinum and finished in 6:12. I only missed the box once and fortunately did not scrape my leg!!

It is shaping to be a great day out and the swim was with a nice sunny sky. My shoulders were obviously tired from this morning so I decided to do a more endurance type swim. I jumped in and did 4 x 200 with about a two minute break in between. The 200’s were consistently around 4:12 so that felt good. I did the first 100 yards of each with bilateral breathing and even did the first one with almost 150! That felt good. A few times I also tried to switch to bilateral in the last 50 just to see if it was possible. I think some of it is that I get oxygen deprived and need more air in my lungs! I was definitely happy with the workout! Those were also my longest consistent intervals.

07122019 – CrossFit & Swim

I did a CrossFit style workout this morning from earlier in the week on PSE Pro. First it was lunges with the barbell on my back. 5 on each side. Then a monster walk 14 steps on each leg. Followed by 10 hamstring bridges on each leg. For 3 rounds. I was feeling it in my glutes!

Then the MetCon was 2 6 minute AMRAPs with a 3 minute rest between. It was supposed to be with two kettlebells but I only have one of each weight. I ended up using the barbell as I didnt have any dumbbells to meet the thrusters at a challenging weight. So I did 75#. The first round was 6 deadlifts, 4 cleans, 2 thrusters. The second round was 2 thrusters, 4 cleans, and 6 deadlifts. This was a gasser. I did 6 rounds plus 10 on the first set and 6 rounds on the second. The thrusters felt easier on the second round, but I was obviously slower.

Not sure what happened to my watch during the swim. I was in the middle of my 3rd 100 and it vibrated. When I got to the end it wasn’t recording anything. When you look at Strava it says I took 8 hours to swim 200 yards! I’m using the Garmin Connect screenshot because it shows the CrossFit workout too.

I did 4×100 yards and 2×50 yards. Continuing to work on bilateral breathing and not breathing every stroke.

So total swim was 500 yards.