Tag Archives: crossfit

10112019 – CrossFit

Today was the beginning of the 2020 CrossFit Open. Yes, this is 2 opens in one year and yes it is still 2019 but this is the 2020 Open. They changed things up and the Open is now in the fall for qualification into the 2020 Games.

Anyways, 20.1 is no joke!

10 Rounds For Time of:

8 Ground to Overhead

10 Bar Facing Burpees; with a 15 minute time cap.

I did the CrossFit Scaled version which was Solcana’s Gold version. It was 65# on the bar and I stepped over instead of jumping over the barbell. After warming up I judged for Nate before doing mine. His recommendation was to go for several rounds of unbroken snatches, break a few sets up into 2 sets of 4, and then go back to full sets if possible at the end to push through.

I was able to do that, the step overs were great as the burpees really accumulated the fatigue for me. Last night after climbing I felt some soreness in my hip flexor, so I was a little nervous about this workout. It felt a lot better this morning, but not ideal for this workout! I just finished 7 rounds getting the last burpee in as time was called. 65# was a good weight for the snatches. I felt like I could have gone for a little while longer on the snatches, but I was definitely slowing down!

How was your 20.1?

10082019 – Bouldering and CrossFit

Not exactly how I planned my morning. Showed up at CrossFit and the coach didn’t show up. We stood around and talked and waited for a little while before deciding to call it a morning. We got an email apologizing later. First time in my 6 years that this has happened and is totally understandable.

I almost went home and then remembered that I could just go to the Bouldering Project. I had planned on going after work, but since I had an offsite meeting I had plenty of time to go ahead and go in the morning.

I did mostly what was written for the day’s workout. I did 500m warmup on the rower and then 3 pullups each minute for 6 minutes.

I then did a snatch warmup. And jumped into a snatch sequence. I forgot the time box and did get all of them into squat vs power Snatch. I did 5×45, 4×65, 3×85 (missing and retrying the 3rd one), 2×95 again missing the 2nd and getting it. I loaded to 100 and wasn’t able to get under it. I tried once more and stopped.

I did 3×3 pistols with each leg for the fun of it.

Then I did a bunch of climbing routes. I tried a couple green ones and did a bunch of red and yellow. It was fun. Some of the routes were tricky. Watching others who are so fluid and smooth as they moved on the wall.

Who is ready for the Open?

09232019 – CrossFit

It’s been nice getting back into a routine of gym life… Seeing people I haven’t seen in a bit! So far it has been working to get to work on time. Though I can’t always demand the first shower and today 4 of us needed it. I’m going to keep going until it becomes an issue!

Today’s workout was a doozy. We did 8 minutes of handstand work. I’m getting so close to kicking up. I did 3 or 4 attempts each minute. On one or two attempts I almost got it.

We then did pause Deadlifts. It was 3 reps every minute with a 3 second pause just below the knee (pretty much hang position). It wasn’t easy to maintain form even at 135#s. I did one at 155 and decided that was too much for this workout.

The MetCon was what really got me. It was a chipper style with 15 reps each of 4 movements. But at the beginning of every minute you had to do 4 burpees over bar. So really the goal was the least number of burpees possible! Oh, the movements were Power Snatch, Overhead Squat, Squat Clean, and Front Squats. I used 65# on the bar which was a good working weight to not get bogged down on any movement with. Though I didn’t get good depth on the overhead squats. At go we did 4 burpees and I went super quick on them and got 11 snatches done before more burpees! Then it became a slower grind through the rest of the work. I can’t remember each set but I know that I got like 12 or 13 front squats done in the last minute because I didn’t want to do anymore burpees! I finished in 8:58.

Like I said that was a good one!

09172019 – CrossFit

It’s been too long since I made it to the gym. But it felt like slipping back into the groove with old friends! I made it to the 5:30am class and that felt so early!

The workout was hard but not too crazy. The gym just finished a lifting cycle and the next few weeks are getting ready for the CrossFit Open.

After an animal warmup we spent 8 working on kipping and kipping pullups. Then we had a 3 part MetCon.

Part 1 was a 10 minute AMRAP with 10 power cleans and 10 burpees over bar. I did 65# on the bar and finished 5 rounds with 5 reps. At my level of scaling I could have done regular burpees so there wasn’t a standard for jumping the bar.

After 3 minutes rest we moved into Part 2. This was 3 rounds for time of 10 pushups and 12 deadlifts. The Deadlift had the same weight as the cleans so I did 65#. I did my pushups on a bench and finished this section in 2:56.

After a few minutes of rest and cleaning the bars we were supposed to do 3 x 1min elbow planks. I ended up doing 4×30 seconds.

Overall a great day back at the gym. We’ll see how sore I am, my hands are sore.

08132019 – CrossFit

Attempted 100 burpees but was still feeling under the weather.  I only managed 25 in 2:42. I was feeling really congested so I stopped.  The congested was hanging over still from the Colorado trip.