A little before and after shots! It was -8 when I left the house, so I tried using the silk balaclava, but even the thin silk was too much to breathe through. Plus it is hard to spit and blow snot rockets while wearing one! My sister said that I took it off just for the beard pic!
The Back 40 was well groomed and packed down. A snowshoer had been quite meticulous about stepping side by side and creating a wide trail to ride on. It felt good, it is definitely not easy going as my 4 mph reflects, but I think that will improve over time too. I just got a sweet deal at the Angry Catfish on some studded tires, but I haven’t put them on yet.
About 3/4 of the way through the loop, my toes started getting really cold and eventually went numb! I’ve been wearing my nice Gortex La Sportiva’s but they don’t really have any insulation so they only can do so much. A nice pair of riding boots is pricey, so I might try my regular snow boots next time to see if they work ok.
When I got back, I did a quick little jog around the block. The sidewalks are still fairly icy, so it wasn’t at any speed!

Saturday morning CrossFit was good, I was a little worried that it would be squats again and my poor quads were going to get beat up on! So I was glad that it was shoulder beat up time! We did a 8 minute EMOM of 5 kips and 3-5 toes to shoulder. I’ve done a toes to bar once or twice, but can’t do it consistently, so working on the toes 2 shoulder is a better idea.
After that we did an 18 minute workout that included bench press and sled pull (hand over hand). The bench press was starting at a heavy weight do 4 reps, the decrease the weight while increasing reps with the sled pull in between. I did 4 reps @ 115, 6 reps @ 105, 8 reps at 95, 10 reps at 85, 12 reps @ 75, 14 reps @ 65. I was supposed to do a set of 16 @ 55, but we ran out of time. We were in partners and 3 groups had to use 2 sleds so there was some waiting around time. I somehow got ahead of my partner at the end and could have done a set of 16 @ 65, but decided to wait, he didn’t seem in any rush and was actually putting on a band-aid as time was expiring. I was a little frustrated by that. I alternated pulling a sled with a 45# plate and one with 70# on it. The 45 felt pretty easy and the 70 was a good challenge.
It was a good workout and I was glad to be doing some upper body stuff as my legs were feeling it!