I had been feeling a little sick yesterday and skipped CrossFit as a result. So I wasn’t 100% sure how I’d feel this morning. I woke up feeling better but decided to go for a bike ride instead of running thinking that’d be less strenuous before CrossFit later. All the trails were closed due to some rain overnight so I headed out on the roads. I rode up to Lowry and across to the river before heading down to the Cedar Lake Trail and around Cedar Lake and home. Pretty straight forward, not pushing too hard but trying to maintain a steady pace. I ended up with 13.78 miles in 1 hour.
I was a little disappointed that the Question of the Day was related to Star Wars, but maybe that’s too cliche! After our warmup we worked on a Muscle Snatch and Power Snatch combo. One of each inside an 8 minute EMOM time box. Working up to a challenging weight. It was hard not to bend the knees on the Muscle Snatch especially as it got heavier! I started with 55# and worked up to 95# before stopping. At 95# I was barely able to Muscle Snatch so that felt good, especially after hitting a 2RM last week at 101#.
Our MetCon for the day was 2 movements in a 18-15-12-9 rep scheme. The movements were Toes to Bar and American Swing. We practiced kipping a little bit and I did my best Toes to Shoulder (they were maybe shoulder height but not extended and not coming to the bar) and used a 35# kettlebell. I finished in 5:02 and cheered a few other athletes as they worked hard at their chosen scaling. It was impressive.