Tag Archives: bike

12212019 – Bike

Joe and I took the fat bikes out in the dark am! We rode 45 North, Condrum, and the Back 40 for a total of 7.5 miles. It was about 20f and the trails were in great shape for riding. We only saw a handful of other riders and when we stopped it was nearly quiet. A great morning to ride!

12102019 – Bike

At -5f air temp this morning I thought it was time to break out the bike.

Ok, so I setup my trainer in the basement last night and rode it this morning! Don’t worry, I’m not quite that crazy. Well… at least not going to try it in the dark before work. So I rode about 8.4 miles while watching some TED talks!

My basement is kind of in a transitional mess right now. Moving things around to get a better workout area setup. So I accidentally set the trainer up underneath some of the pipes for the boiler which means that I have a little heater right above me that I definitely don’t need! I’ll need to move that soon!

10222019 – Bike

Bike commute today. It was cool both ways, but rainy on the way there. This time I remembered all of my rain gear!! Rain cap for my helmet, check. Rain coat, check. Rain pants, check. Rain covers for my shoes, check. I stayed 98% dry. My feet were a little damp and I had one wet spot on my pants – which just happened to be in the crotch area! It dried fairly quickly – at least no one said anything to me. It was kind of funny as my legs felt warm and my arms were chilly. I was wearing a short sleeve jersey under my rain coat!

On the way home I had a headwind for the Westward ride and it was pretty strong. I felt warm overall.

11 miles.

10202019 – Bike

I was able to sneak out to ride at Elm Creek on a cool morning. It was actually great weather. I got a flat shortly before finishing the first section.  I had a new tube, but my CO2 was empty.  So I walked out to the parking lot.  There was a pump at the trailhead, but it didn’t work.  Fortunately there was someone in the lot with a pump so I was able to pump it up and hit the trails. They were in perfect shape and had recently been cleared of leaves.  It was 37 when I started and had warmed up to 47 when I finished. Everything but my toes were warm!

Enjoyed the trails so much. Wish they weren’t so far away from home. 11 miles.