Tag Archives: 19.3

03082019 – CrossFit

19.3 was no joke on the gluteus! You know when no one in the announcement makes it through the workout that it is going to be hard! For some reason the official scaled workout still had handstand pushups in it. Otherwise I did the scaled version which was:

200ft lunges with 35# dumbbell overhead

50 box step ups with 35# dumbbell

50 hand release pushups

20 Wall walks (my gym’s modification for handstand walk – not many made it to this)

In a 10 minute time cap I made it through the lunges pretty well. The box steps were hard to get into a rhythm. I took a quick walk around the box after every 10 to catch my breath. I was able to complete 32 push-ups before running out of time. I broke those up into sets of 5. Holding the dumbbell overhead for so long definitely wore on my shoulders which I didn’t realize until I was in the pushups. That would have been super fatiguing if you were upside down!

My final score was 122 of our scaled version! I was in the 3:30pm class and at that point only 1 athlete at the gym had finished the workout in under 10 minutes.