Tag Archives: 15.1a

03132018 – CrossFit

Someone programmed past open workouts into Open season… Today was 15.1 and 15.1a.

The full workout description is here with analysis here.

9 minute AMRAP of:

15 Toes to Bar

10 Deadlifts 115#

5 Snatches

Then 15.1a was 6 minutes to find 1 RM of Clean and Jerk.

I did the scaled movements and weight for the first part of Hanging Knee Raises and 85 pounds on the bar.

In warmups I did get my first Toes to Bar and got a few in! Not smooth, similar kipping hiccup to my pull ups.

I was able to complete 5 rounds and 26 reps which means I got 1 snatch done in my last round.

Then I hit a quick Clean and Jerk at the 85# and then took a minute to recover. I made 3 or 4 lift before hitting the last one with 5 seconds left of 125#. This was a 20# PR from the last time we tested a Clean and Jerk in 2016. But not necessarily a PR of the other combinations of the lifts. I will take it though, especially right after a 9 minute MetCon.

03132018 – CrossFit

Someone programmed past open workouts into Open season… Today was 15.1 and 15.1a.

The full workout description is here with analysis here.

9 minute AMRAP of:

15 Toes to Bar

10 Deadlifts 115#

5 Snatches

Then 15.1a was 6 minutes to find 1 RM of Clean and Jerk.

I did the scaled movements and weight for the first part of Hanging Knee Raises and 85 pounds on the bar.

In warmups I did get my first Toes to Bar and got a few in! Not smooth, similar kipping hiccup to my pull ups.

I was able to complete 5 rounds and 26 reps which means I got 1 snatch done in my last round.

Then I hit a quick Clean and Jerk at the 85# and then took a minute to recover. I made 3 or 4 lift before hitting the last one with 5 seconds left of 125#. This was a 20# PR from the last time we tested a Clean and Jerk in 2016. But not necessarily a PR of the other combinations of the lifts. I will take it though, especially right after a 9 minute MetCon.