12012019 – Run & Swim

An easy snowy run to start the month off. We’ve gotten a mixture of snow, sleet, freezing rain, and more snow in the past few days. It was snowing lightly when I left. It’s hard to figure out running routes in the winter dur to the ski trails. This route should work and had a good portion of paved and plowed trails with some fresh powder. Running on the train tracks wasn’t actually bad since there was so much snow!3.4 miles 35:32 32f and windy with snow falling.

In the afternoon we took the kids to Lifetime for their swim assessment to see how they fit into Lifetimes scheme of swim lessons. They are 501 and 301. While that was happening I did a quick swim.

I did 2 x 400 with about 90 seconds of rest between. They were each around 7 minutes. The first a little under and the second a little over.

After we played in the water for a little bit.

11192019 – CrossFit

We had a longer MetCon today with no actual strength component. We started with a warmup game. We hadn’t done a game for a warm up in a long time. Not sure what it is called but we had the pvc standing in front of us and had to rotate based on the direction given and try not to drop the pvc.

We then did a more traditional warmup and drilled the squat clean before getting into the WOD.

It was a clean and pullup ladder with the cleans being full depth. It was 2 rounds of each of the following:

6 pullups 6 cleans 55#

7 pullups 5 cleans 65#

8 pullups 4 cleans 75#

9 pullups 3 cleans 85#

10 pullups 2 cleans 95#

So that was a lot of work! I was able to do all 80 pullups. I started with sets of 3 and did a few singles but mostly sets of 2. I finished in 17:53. Only a couple of us did pullups throughout the whole workout.

11082019 – CrossFit

The final Open workout of the season was today and it 20.5 was a fun one. This one was unique in that we were given a specific amount of work, but was allowed to break it up anyway we wanted. In watching the announcement, the athletes each had different schemes for doing it.

The workout was:

For Time:

40 Ring Muscle Ups

80 – Calorie Row

120 – Wallballs (20#)

with a 20 minute time cap.

The question that I wasn’t sure about was could I get the row and wallballs done in less than 15 minutes and then pretend to try a muscle-up. Our gym scoring system is a little bit different than the actual Open. For our purposes the time that wallballs and row was completed would be used as a tie breaker. So basically do all of them first and then the gymnastic movement – unless you were solid in the movement. So I could do our Platinum/Gold version and end up attempting a muscle up or chest to bar pullup. Or do the scaled and try to complete the whole package with pullups and a lighter wallball. My teammate/judge agreed that I should go with the harder version and see where I ended up time wise.

I broke up the work into 5 rounds of 16 calories and 24 wall balls. This felt like a good pattern. I started out on the rower and flew through the first 16 calories in like 40 seconds. That was a little hot and I felt it with the wall balls. So I slowed down a little bit, but never dropped below 1000 calories per hour. I started out with dropping the ball every 5 shots and Nate told me to go with 6 so I would move quicker through them. That worked for the most part. I had a handful of no reps throughout the work but not too many. I finished this work in 15:18 which left me with some time to attempt our Gold standard which was chest to bar pullups. I’d never done them before. Nate gave me a quick crash course and I tried. I ended up with 3 in the 4:40 I had to play with. I probably got 3 or 4 no reps in the process and took my time in between each rep. He said that on my no reps, I was getting my body up there and just needed to finish the pull to get my chest to the bar. So I guess I have a new skill now! That is part of what the Open is all about!

So I finished with 203 reps.

I’m not sure I could have squeezed the 40 pullups in during that last 5 minutes, but maybe with a different rep scheme and the lighter ball it could have been possible. But I wouldn’t have attempted and gotten a new skill! Yay!

11042019 – Swim

After completing 20.3 (heavy deadlift) and 20.4 (heavy clean and jerks) my lower back was super tight. I have been using my TENS unit and rolling it, but it isn’t loosening up. I decided to skip CrossFit this week until Friday’s Open workout. So I decided to kick off my Ironman 70.3 training with a swim today. I went to New Hope and was the only one in the pool when I got there. I ended up with a total of 700m in the pool.

I started with 50’s bilaterally breathing, did some 100’s and used the kick board and pull buoy. I finished out with some 50’s. I was in the water for about 25 minutes. It all felt pretty good, I was taking it nice and easy!

I ended with sitting in the hot tub which felt really good on my back!

11022019 – Run

A light dusting of snow and cold air made for a nice fall run today!! I took it easy and was trying to loosen up my body a little bit from 20.4 workout yesterday.  It was also nice to get out in the colder weather without needing a ton of clothing.  I work my wind jacket and shin length tights and was perfect!  I took some cool pictures along the way as the dusting of snow helped accentuate some of the fall colors that were still around.  3.15 miles in 31 minutes.