Day 25

One third complete!

I did a Street Parking workout in the morning. Then we did other things and was out in the cold checking out the Art Shanty Project. It was tempting to just come home and relax into the couch. But I went out with 20# pack and did this week’s Tribe ‘N Training Ruck workout. My legs said I’ve done too much squatting! But it was a good extra challenge.

Day 24

Woke up early and did a strength workout. And then later my sister, her husband and I went Cross Country skiing. It was basically both of their first times. We had fun and did pretty much the full loop at Wirth!

Later we went to Stillwater to view the World Snow Sculpture Champions. It was also the first time eating out while doing 75 hard and the Mediterranean diet. I was able to get a vegan pita wrap and a non alcoholic cocktail. It was tempting to get a burger!

Day 23

My sister and her husband are in town. After work we went on a walk around the lake for my 2nd workout. It was a nice night and we saw the pretty sunset. I had left my phone at home so no pic! But it was a nice way to catch up with them.

The January book for Ruck’s Tribe and Training group is Tribe by Sebastian Junger. Below is from the introduction:

Day 21

Finished my second non-fiction book today.  A Runner’s High by Dean Karnazes. I enjoyed reading about his journey through the 2019 Western States 100. His 11th finish of the grueling race.  Reading it makes me want to run it, but also makes it really hard to want to push my body that way through 100 miles. I wish he had talked more about the Silk Road Ultramarathon he ran solo through East Asia.

It was also another cold and windy day. We didn’t have school due to the low wind chill. It warmed up in the afternoon and sunny. I went out and skiied. It was really windy out and the windchill might have been the lowest of the days I’d been out in the last few days.