Day 36

Today was my 800th day of working out with Street Parking. Street Parking is an online based community that offers hundreds of workouts including a Daily WOD. Think CrossFit plus so much more. I started in April 2021 and have really enjoyed the programming and challenges. Their biggest mantras include Simple, Not Easy, More than Nothing, and Fitness Freedom.

Fitness Freedom has been important for my recovery from the concussion. Each workout has modifications and then you can modify those as needed too.

They offer rewards when you hit 75 workouts, 365, and 1000. I’m well on my way to 1000 workouts done and today felt like a good milestone! My goal is to hit the 1000 milestone this year!

Day 34

It was a little hard to squeeze my evening walk in today. One thing that I remembered to do this morning was to have my groceries ready for pickup. The local store doesn’t offer it any more. But I was going to be in a different part of town. So it worked out well. A little more pricey than going to Aldi, but today time was money.

Also made some cauliflower steaks for dinner. But didn’t really think through a side. They were yummy though!

Day 33

Woke up and rode the other way on the bike trail. No wind but some crazy fog! It was supposed to be warm but that wouldn’t really happen while we were in town.

I rode to the next town over and took some pics. Iowa has a pretty nice trail system! Perry is the town were the race was held yesterday.

The fog lifted on my way back, but not before leaving some beautiful ice on the trailside fauna!

Day 32

Starting a new month! Celebrating birthdays! Luckily the Mediterranean diet does include desserts!

I got up and rode my bike on the bike trail literally right next to our friends house in Iowa. It was super windy so I rode into the wind. I was soooo slow! The ride back was better but I also realized my tires were low, so I would’ve ridden better. Oops.

Also realized we were like 10 miles from a small town winter bike “race.” The Perry BRR. Unfortunately it was during the birthday party which is why we were traveling. Oh well!