12272019 – Bike

My sister and brother in law got a Schwinn bike trainer. So I did 30 minutes and just over 10 miles on it. It’s in the main room so everyone was watching me or playing super heroes! Much better than the basement.

12212019 – Bike

Joe and I took the fat bikes out in the dark am! We rode 45 North, Condrum, and the Back 40 for a total of 7.5 miles. It was about 20f and the trails were in great shape for riding. We only saw a handful of other riders and when we stopped it was nearly quiet. A great morning to ride!

12202019 – Ski

A post work sunny ski. It was great to get out. My first workout since Sunday due to family with influenza. I did the natural loop first since I knew I’d be ending in the dark. A bunch of high schoolers were out and they were wearing costumes! I then did 2 loops of the made snow on their 3k loop now. It’s still a pretty hilly loop, but it’s got some nice downhill sections!

Just over 10k of skiing!

The trailhead:

12102019 – Bike

At -5f air temp this morning I thought it was time to break out the bike.

Ok, so I setup my trainer in the basement last night and rode it this morning! Don’t worry, I’m not quite that crazy. Well… at least not going to try it in the dark before work. So I rode about 8.4 miles while watching some TED talks!

My basement is kind of in a transitional mess right now. Moving things around to get a better workout area setup. So I accidentally set the trainer up underneath some of the pipes for the boiler which means that I have a little heater right above me that I definitely don’t need! I’ll need to move that soon!