12072019 – Ski

We met some friends for the MN Nordic Opener at Elm Creek. It’s a fun free event for all ages and is a fun way to kick off ski season. I brought my classic skis and was regretting it until the very end when we tried some icy walked over mess of natural ski trail. We ended up with about 7k total on three different rounds of skiing.

12062019 – CrossFit & Ski

This was the first morning Hannah has been back since her baby was born so that was exciting. We did some hurdle drills for agility as a warmup.

Then we moved into Deadlifts. It was 3 rounds of 5 then a set of 3 before going for a heavy 2. I got to 265. It felt super heavy.

Then we did an unscored series of rowing sprints. We did 20 second sprint and got approximately 40 seconds of rest. We were hopping on and off so we weren’t reseting the counters. I tried to keep the pace close in the 1800 calorie per hour range.

After work we went for a ski. My watch didn’t like how slow we were going so it didn’t get good data. Easily 2k on a mixture of snow. Mostly icy natural snow with some tracks.

12052019 – Ski

An afternoon ski felt nice after a rough few days. It was just above freezing. The only good trails were the 1k loop. And there were at least 2 high schools there skiing. So the trails were kind of busy.

Just over a 5k. 35f and sunny. 3.35 miles.

12042019 – Swim

A good swim this morning. I started with 200m and then did a variety of kick board, fists, and kicks. I threw in some kicks and 100m in between. I ended with 400m. This was a total of 1200m which is my longest swim yet. It felt good.

12012019 – Run & Swim

An easy snowy run to start the month off. We’ve gotten a mixture of snow, sleet, freezing rain, and more snow in the past few days. It was snowing lightly when I left. It’s hard to figure out running routes in the winter dur to the ski trails. This route should work and had a good portion of paved and plowed trails with some fresh powder. Running on the train tracks wasn’t actually bad since there was so much snow!3.4 miles 35:32 32f and windy with snow falling.

In the afternoon we took the kids to Lifetime for their swim assessment to see how they fit into Lifetimes scheme of swim lessons. They are 501 and 301. While that was happening I did a quick swim.

I did 2 x 400 with about 90 seconds of rest between. They were each around 7 minutes. The first a little under and the second a little over.

After we played in the water for a little bit.