01152020 – Swim

It’s been awhile since I’ve been in the pool. My shoulders already felt a little sore from yesterday so I didnt want anything super intense but needed to get in the water. I ended up doing a 100m warmup and then 50m with paddles, 50m free, 50m with kick board and then 200m. I worked up in 100m increments to 400m.

I’ve never used paddles before so that was interesting. I will need to do some research on using them to make sure I do it right. The 50m right after felt super smooth!

I ended up with 1300m total over the workout, plus the 200m with the kick board that my watch never picks up.

01092020 – Ski

After picking up my race packets at Pioneer Midwest and getting some wax and advice from their friendly staff I went for a short ski. I hadn’t skied before Christmas so I wanted to get something in before Saturday’s race. It was right around freezing and sunny at least for the start.

The trails were crowded with quite a few teams as the natural snow isnt super good for skiing now. I did the current loop which is around 4.5k. After the loop I did the short meadow loop that is open. I ended up with just over 5k. It felt good.

01082020 – CrossFit

It felt good to be back at the gym. It has been several weeks since I was able to go due to illnesses in the family. It was great to be back! I was named Athlete of the Month and several people congratulated me on that honor. The class was pretty full too.

We did a snatch warm up. And then got into a 10 minute EMOM with two snatches each minute working up to a challenging weight. I started with a 65lb Snatch and then went up to 70. I did it for a second round and then 75 for two rounds. Then up to 80. I failed at both attempts so I went back down to 75 and finished out the time with that. I think I failed at 2 other lifts in the remaining time. I asked Coach Jeff to watch me and he gave me some pointers which helped.

After the Snatches we had a shortish MetCon. 4 rounds for time of 15 swings and 15 burpees. I did the 35lb kettlebell and finished in just over 8 minutes. It was fairly consistent at 2 minutes per round. The burpees were definitely slow going!

It felt great to be back at the gym.

01052020 – Bike & Ski

I rode for about 55 minutes and 13 miles on the bike trainer in the morning. I’m catching up on a bunch to TED talks that were highlighted a few years ago for me. TED will send you random videos to watch so I’m trying to expand my horizons by watching them!

In the afternoon was the first ski lessons for the year. It was a sunny day and not too cold. We did about 1.5 miles of classic skiing.

01032020 – Run

As expected it had rained over night. It was 45 with a chance of rain during my run. I opted for the hiking trails on the other side of Fort Harrison State Park since they aren’t biking trails. They had some flooding along the Fall Creek trail (by the river) and by the Duck Pond. I ran the Fall Creek Trail and then connected to the paved trail Harrison Trace Trail to head back towards the parking lot. I took the cutoff before Delaware Lake and connected to Camp Creek trail. While the Fall Creek is wide with some good amenities (benches and wooden step structures), Camp Creek is narrow single track with only a few bridges over the widest creek crossings. Camp Creek was a fun trail, its on the inside of the Harrison Trace Loop. It didn’t actually rain while I was running so that was nice, though it might have felt cooler. I got to wear shorts and opted for a t-shirt under my rain jacket.

4.14 miles in 45:51. The mile on the paved trail was relatively faster than the tight single track.