Today was a little bit of a scheduling challenge to get the 2nd workout in for the evening. But I managed to do it!

Today was a little bit of a scheduling challenge to get the 2nd workout in for the evening. But I managed to do it!
Finished my second non-fiction book today. A Runner’s High by Dean Karnazes. I enjoyed reading about his journey through the 2019 Western States 100. His 11th finish of the grueling race. Reading it makes me want to run it, but also makes it really hard to want to push my body that way through 100 miles. I wish he had talked more about the Silk Road Ultramarathon he ran solo through East Asia.
It was also another cold and windy day. We didn’t have school due to the low wind chill. It warmed up in the afternoon and sunny. I went out and skiied. It was really windy out and the windchill might have been the lowest of the days I’d been out in the last few days.
Today was windy so it felt a lot colder. I needed a few items for dinner so I included a stop at Hyvee on my walk. It’s only a half mile to get there so I had to add some distance. It was a good little warm up and cheese sample stop mid-walk.
I also saw the Chiropractor today. She got a big spot in my back and thought I could try swimming now. She said to avoid it because the back and forth for breathing can make some people nauseous post-concussion. So we’ll see.
Crazy cold, but I still went out for a walk!
In the morning I did my FTP bike assessment finishing the 15 miles in 32:12. Seems so fast but knowing the trainer is always faster than outside.
In the afternoon I walked a 5k in the -8f. The cold was only bad when walking into the wind. With it to my back it actually got a little warm! I had all my skin covered. My 5k walk assessment was 53:12.
My family group doing the Ironman together are doing these monthly as it will be used to start training. I might try swimming soon, just no turns.
A morning ski before the cold set in felt like a great way to start the day. Then after some errands stopped in at V3 and did the 5/3/1 bench workout.
V3 is a new gym in North Mpls with a great view of downtown. Having just opened in June everything is still nice and shiny.