Category Archives: resources

Chart & Map Your Favorite Course

Using Google’s Gmaps Pedometer technology you can easily chart your upcoming run, or figure out how far you ran today. It seems to be fairly accurate and easy to use. Some other benefits include being able to e-mail the route to a friend, save a link to your route in any electronic format (excel, word, etc) and can view a topographic map of the area (limited areas currently). You can get the map in miles or kilometers.

The USATF has actually taken this technology one step farther with there website America’s Running Routes. Another popular site with similar features and the ability to add thinks such as aid stations, points of interest, and others is Run the Planet’s Both site let you save your routes in a searchable database for other interested runners. If you travel you can use this feature to find a route in your destination city.

I would highly recommend using any of these sites, they definitely have helped on longer runs when you need to measure out some strange or different routes (to break up the monotony).

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