Category Archives: resources

USATF – Minnesota Member

I’m a card carrying member of the USATF now. Well at least once I get the card in the mail!!

I had never thought about being a member of the USATF until now since I’m not fast enough to be in the track and field circuit and don’t really need another distraction.

So Why Sign-up?

I was prompted to sign up by one of the MDRA members to be a part of their racing team – Bad News Bears. The main purpose for signing up is to be a part of the Team Circuit. The circuit is a series of “championship” races where teams are scored cross-country style. The race distances go from 1 mile all the way up to a 25K (15.5 miles). The half-marathon I’m racing is part of the circuit and so are other local races hosted by the MDRA – so why not! It is $30 a year to be a member but there are some good benefits.


I have actually already used one – discounts at races! I just saved $5 when I signed up for an upcoming 8K. There is a long list of discounted items, many of which I’ll never use. However, if you travel for a lot of races there are discounts for rental cars and hotels. There are discounts on running gear, other merchandise, magazine subscriptions, books and movies, and running stores. You also get a membership decal and a copy of the Fast Forward magazine. I think you could easily “earn back” your $30 membership if you were planning on getting some of discounted items! I’m also supposed to get a team jersey which must be worn during all races I’m competing in as part of the team!

You should see if there are any local USATF chapters or competitions to be a part of.

[tags] USATF, Minnesota, MDRA [/tags]

Are U Nuts About Running?

Then check out this site.

Talk about great marketing. Emerald Nuts has created a fun and engaging environment to draw attention to their running series. I enjoyed playing around the site – make sure your volume is turned up (unless you are at work!).Thanks Rae.

[tags] Emerald Nuts, Marathons, Marketing [/tags]

News & Updates

The Indy Star has a great article about the new Cross Country Arena I talked about before.

The Phedippidations World Wide Half Marathon begins next weekend. It is not too late to register.

In an e-mail from the 500 Festival, we find out that the 32nd annual OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon is only 214 days away! Registration is already over 13,000 so don’t wait too much longer if you want to register.

We are entering “tournament time” for cross country. Check out the latest news at Hoosier Authority.

Finally, check out this great local event that I’m helping plan.

Featured Blog & More

Run Central Indiana site was the featured blog of the week on Phedippidations a running podcast produced weekly by Steve Runner. Click here (mp3) to listen to the whole episode entitled Hard Days. Or you can just click here (mp3) to hear the blurb about Run Central Indiana. I’ve mentioned this self-described goofy little podcast before as well as it being mentioned in Runners’ World awhile back.

Steve and others are also hosting a World-Wide Half-marathon encouraging runners around the world to run a half-marathon on or around October 13-14. The theme is “Think Global, Run Local!” You can join this free event, especially if you are participating in the Indianapolis Marathon’s Half.


On December 8th at 10:30am the 2007 USATF Club XC Championships will get under way in Columbus, OH. Information and Registration

You can read the Road Runners Club of America’s newsletter Footnotes here (pdf kinda large).

Zemanta Pixie

What Running Equipment Do You Use?

This is your chance to leave a message and talk about the equipment you run with on a regular basis.  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, you can just list what type of shoes, watch, heart rate monitor, etc that you wear. 

I want to know what others use when running and this is a great way to find out what the running community values and sees as important during a run!

My Equipment

I’m pretty simple in my running.

I’m currently wearing Brooks Adrenaline GTS 7 shoes, a Timex Ironman 100 watch  , and on some runs I wear my Sandisk Sansa e250 2GB mp3 player  with armband .


So, what do you wear and use? Leave a comment.  If you normally get the e-mail version go to the website and leave a comment at the bottom of the post.  Click where it says “comments” and type in your running equipment.

Thanks for sharing!



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