Category Archives: Race Review

Jennifer’s Run Update

Do you recall my race review from my June 16th race in Hartford City. The race was called Jennifer’s Run and was a race to raise money to increase awareness and prevention of domestic abuse.

I was a little critical about some aspect of the race and e-mailed the race director in an attempt to be constructive and help them for future events. Last week, I was informed by a friend that the race’s website had been updated with a response from Teresa, the race director.

In a letter she corrected the race results and said:

Thanks for your patience everybody. We still have a bit of an issue with the results in that we are unable to force the computer to exclude the top 3 overall finishers from the age groups, however we were able to get it to exclude the top 2 overall finishers which has only effected two age groups. I’ve listed the corrections to the age group results below, if you do not see your name then you may rely on the computer generated HTML for your results.

On race day, our program printed out 10 year age groups instead of 5 year age groups. This discrepancy was not noticed until after the awards had been presented, however as everyone had already left we were unable to make corrections at the time. We are addressing that issue now. The program has been fixed and the correct age groups are reflected in the computer generated html. You will find your results there. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience as we seek to disperse the awards to those of you who earned them.

She also indicated that if you wanted to claim your awards you can do so by contacting her.

She also added a section entitled “Participant Suggestion Box” which highlights what they are doing to address some of my concerns. She specifically talks about post-race water, course length and layout, and finally start time. I would encourage you to check out her comments and provide feedback.

I also forgot to mention in my original post that they did have a professional photographer taking pictures. Results are also currently available here.

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Zemanta Pixie

Race Review: Chesterfield 10K – July 4th

On a relatively cool morning, at least for the Fourth, about 125 runners and walkers from around East Central gathered to take part in this 16th annual 5K and 10K tradition starting near the Millcreek Civic Center in downtown Chesterfield, IN.

I ran a decent race, considering my pre-race preparations (eating ribs and staying out until 1:30am watching the midnight parade!).  My time was 43:05, with my splits being 6:25, 6:26, 7:27, 6:36, 7:26, 7:00, 1:45.  Don’t get too excited about my uneven looking splits.  I was told that the overall race was exactly 6.2 by GPS, but the individual miles weren’t marked correctly.  So those middle couple miles where my times varied by a minute were long, short, and long respectively!

The course overall is pretty flat.  10K runners start with the 5K group, running through Chesterfield and down the hill to the river level.  The 5K group then runs into the Greenhill (?) addition up a hill and turns around.  The 10K proceeds through “Deadman’s curve” before heading up a hill.  The 10K had 3 water stops and a 4th “rouge” stop!  The only other hill of significance is right before the 6 mile mark, although there are some smaller hills leading into that.

The race started approximately on time and was supported well by the Chesterfield Police force. Each mile mark was marked and had someone reading off overall race time, which was appreciated. At the finish there was water and making the short walk back to the Civic Center they had water, bananas, cookies, apples, and WATERMELON to rehydrate and replenish your body!!

Unfortunately, we waited a long time after the completion of the race it was around 10:30 (8:30 start), before the awards started.  This was actually better than last year, so that is encouraging! All winners received plaques.

I haven’t done this for other races, but click here to see a map of the actual course. I’ll post overall results when I get them.

Race Day: Buzzards Roost 10K

On a rare, cool and rainy day (one of the first in awhile), the Buzzards Roost was far from its normal hot misery! The weather conditions made this an excellent day for PRs and great races.  That is precisely what happened for me.  While I didn’t set a 10K PR, I did set one for the Buzzards Roost course in the countryside surrounding Arcadia.  I ran a 42:22 (6:50) with splits of 6:19, 6:25, 6:54, 7:08, 7:03, 7:07, 1:23. This got me 13th place overall and 1st in my age group (netting a $25 gift card).

The course is exceptionally flat, until about 3.5 miles then it has 3 or 4 moderate size hills, but at that point in a 10K they can be cruel.  The race finishes with a flat last mile.

A rare evening race, starting at 6:30pm, it is usually boiling hot, but the nicer weather made for a great event.  99 participants ran and walked helping raise money for Hamilton Heights Cross Country Team.  Race results are posted here.

Runner’s Forum is a sponsor of the event and gave away gift certificates as door/raffle prizes and for all age group winners.

Expertly organized by Evan Achenbach, I’ve not been disappointed with this race (this is my 3rd year).  Three water stops support the runners, and spectators can watch the runners at the start, 1 mile, and the finish area without moving! Turns were brightly marked with orange paint and finally, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department helps manage traffic at some of the busy intersections.

How did your race go this weekend? Leave a review in the comments section.

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Zemanta Pixie

Race Day: Jennifer’s Run

As mentioned Thursday there were lots of races to choose from. I decided to travel to Hartford City to check out the 7th Annual Jennifer’s Run 5K. I was very cautious with my expectations regarding my performance due to my 11-miler yesterday at Westwood. I ran a 20:47 (6:19, 6:50, 6:56, :41) and could definitely tell my legs were tired, not to mention the heat! Overall results are here.

Note: Before you read my review let me say that I am 100% behind their cause and the reasons for their race. I think domestic violence is horrific and awareness needs to be raised about the issue.

A quick race review: In summary I will not attend this race next year. Why not? Lots of little reasons, a 9am start is a bit late given the mid-June race day, the course is pretty flat (a couple of tiny semi-hills) but had lots of turns and was delicately marked (little white lines within a foot of the curb and easy to miss mile markers). Not to mention being 1 tenth too long (3.2 miles). The police officer leading the race actually missed a turn, thankfully someone was biking and yelled at the leaders to turn! Other reasons include not having water at the finish (they did have Powerade) and an odd layout for the course (a quick turnoff after the finish line is already in sight). I should note that there was a water stop between 1.5 and 2 miles. The race was sponsored, in part, by RoadID Race Sponsorship Program which included gift certificates for RoadID products for race winners and a $2 off coupon for all participants.

Finally and this may be the greatest sin a race director can commit, age group awards were not given out as advertised (for the awards they used 10 year instead of the advertised 5 year, making the error the other way wouldn’t cause any concerns!). In addition to a little confusion about some age group awards.

This is a good local race raising money for an excellent cause, but in my humble opinion not worth the drive from Anderson!

Am I too harsh? Want to talk about your recent race? Click on the comments link below and leave me a comment.

I did e-mail my concerns to the Race Director prior to this posting.

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Zemanta Pixie