Category Archives: My Running

10142018 – Run

It was a chilly morning and my phone said it was snowing, even though it hadn’t started yet.  Shorts were a little chilly, but I’m not quite ready to not wear them.  With the Loopet Loppet in less than a week, I wasn’t planning to go too long or hard.  I did a regular loop and with the Area 36 loop.  It was 5.5 miles in 54:19.  By the end of the run it was starting to flurry.

10072018 – Run

I got up hit the trails on this cooler morning.  It was still dark out at 6:30am which isn’t super fun. I just did the longer perimeter loop and I was going to tack on some of the event trails, but they were closed.  When I got to my sunrise spot the sun either hadn’t come up yet or was too foggy/cloudy to see it.

I did 5.2 miles in 50:45.

09292018 – Run

It was the first chilly morning of fall.  We didn’t actually freeze or frost over night, but the temp was 38f when I left the house.  That’s cold enough for gloves, a second layer shirt, and I wore ear band which might have been overkill.

At this point I’m just trying to get some miles in before the Loopet Loppet in a few weeks.  I don’t have a specific training plan and I feel like I’m recovered from the marathon.  I have no desire to get up at 4:30am right now to run so I’m content with a mid length run on the weekend.

I haven’t run at Wirth since the marathon so it was nice to be out on the familiar trails.  It did feel odd to just be running them and not having a specific workout that needed to be done.  I did the main loop I usually run adding in a little more here and there.  When I got back to The Trailhead I hit the Area 36 trails and popped out by the Chalet to come home.

I wasn’t trying to run hard at all and I’m feeling a little sore from some of the CrossFit workouts from earlier in the week. I did 6.4 miles in 1:05.  I almost didn’t see the nice buck that was eating along the southern edge of the park.  I also saw a skunk a little bit later.

09232018 – Run 

My first run since the marathon and overall it felt pretty good. I felt the soreness from Jackie and the stiffness from helping build a playground and carrying a bunch of stuff yesterday! 

The oldest had a birthday party in the ‘burbs so I dropped her off and ran at Elm Creek Regional Park. I’m not sure if I’ve ever actually ran there and ended up running on a mixture of paved trail, horse trail, abandoned gravel roads, and some wide hiking trails. It is a pretty area, but I ended up going longer than I had anticipated. I had some trouble figuring out a nice loop. Out on the trails they had the winter maps posted which I don’t think showed all the trails. 

It was all good though. I had planned on around 3, but got in around 5. It was in the mid-70’s and sunny. It felt weird to run midday. Especially after doing some yard work and stuff in the morning. 

After the run I had a PB&B shake from LifeCafe as the party was at a Lifetime Fitness. 

Total run was 5 miles in 46 minutes. 

08302018 – Run

Another early dark morning… my body and I are still adjusting to the early work schedule.  It isn’t the early work schedule, but also the kids getting on the bus so early that makes my morning start out so early. Being pretty much ready to go by 6:10 every morning.

Today was another workout with 3 distances.  I think I did a better job this time of tracking the distances accurately.  Only once did I forget to hit the button the right number of times.  The workout was 4×200, 3×400, 2×1000.

The 1,000m seems so much longer than the other too. Especially when I’m having to track it so weirdly.

200 – :56

.2 miles – 1:45 (oops)

200 – :57

200 – :55

400 – 1:43

400 – 2:03

400 – 2:29

1,000 – 5:30

1,000 – 6:21

I’m not sure if those 1,000’s are accurate or not.

5.46 miles in 57:33