Category Archives: My Running

05052019 – Run & Kayak

I started off the morning with a 10k time trial. The Loppet trails were finally open so I thought I would hit them.  The Karate Monkey trails were in great shape, Area 36 was still a little wet and not fully opened. The plan was to do the second 5k faster than the first. I was thrown off a little bit on the distances by the full trails not being open. I checked and the Luce Line was flooded as well so I briefly hit the one set of mountain bike trails to get me back to the main trails.

My first 5K was 30:58 and the second was 28:51. Definitely not as fast as I would like!  The total distance was 7.4 miles in 1:13:10.

In the afternoon I decided to get my new Kayak out for a spin. I put in at Cedar Lake Point Beach and did the perimeter of Brownie Lake and most of Cedar. It was definitnely different than canoeing and sitting in the same position for awhile was tough.  I did about an hour and 2.8 miles.  I did some of it hard and some of it just relaxed especially when I saw the turtle party on Cedar!!  I ended up buying a kayak that could be good for casual paddling with the family for either Christy or I instead of shelling out money for a faster one!

05022019 – Run

Today’s long interval workout was 2 rounds of 600, 800, 1200 with approximately 1:1 rest. My phone didn’t charge correctly overnight so I couldn’t use it to gauge the time of each interval so I went more by recovery. My Garmin only lets me plug in one distance for intervals so I set it up for 26 x 200 and did my best to skip the rest between each 200. It was an additional mental challenge to the workout!

I decided to throw in a little new section and ran on the golf cart paths for some of it. The trails are still a little wet, but most of the cart paths are paved on the section I ran. It is a little weird because running there my mind was still seeing the ski trails. It is interesting that much of the ski trails is actually above cart paths! They were quiet and lonely as it was still dark at this time!

Because of the complex math involved in adding up my intervals I’m not going to! The overall distance was 5.82 miles in 1:04:29. All of the rest interval was walking.

04302019 – Run

This morning my phone said that it was 46f outside so not too bad for long sleeves and shorts. But when I got home I actually looked at the temp and it was only 39f… no wonder my hands were so cold!!

The plan was 3 rounds of 200, 400, and 600 with 1:1 rest. I warmed up and started at it! My normal route usually means the first interval is uphill and this was no different! I ended up walking the 1:1 time rest. Each interval was approximately 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00 depending on the terrain. I wasn’t running all out and I definitely felt tired in the legs.

I caught a quick picture of the sunrise! And it was a good workout.

I finished 4.76 miles in 53:25!

04282019 – Run

Today’s “stamina” session was a 45 minute run using only Nasal Breathing. This week’s focus was on running while only using the nose to breathe and it is quite an interesting effort. It requires a slower overall pace and a more mindful approach to breathing and focus.

This actually meant that I walked a couple of the hills to keep from pushing past the nasal breathing. The breathes are longer inhales and exhales. I took a little bit different route around Wirth including a bathroom stop. I kind of lost track of the time as my watch screen didn’t have an elapsed time on it. So I actually ended up running for an hour and finished 5.6 miles.

Overall it felt good as it was a nice steady slow run. It felt like some of the lower heart rate runs or more of a true long run feel. I liked that I wasn’t pushing the pace and could enjoy more of the scenery as I ran!

04262019 – CrossFit and Run

The 3:30 class was pretty full which was a nice change from the past few weeks! The work day was pretty stressful and we had a full evening, but it was good workout! 

After a pretty long warm-up we had 12 minutes to find a Heavy set of 2 back squats. I probably had a little bit more in me when the time cap hit.  I totally screwed up the warm-up sets when I put 45# plates on the bar…. oops. We were supposed to start at 50% and 135 is more like 70%.  Yikes! It took me until the second warm-up set to realize the mistake.  I ended at 180 for the Heavy 2. 

Then the MetCon was a 10 minute AMRAP with three movements. 

20 single arm kettlebell swings 35#, 15 sit-ups, and 1 length sled push with 45# plate on it. I actually started with the sled push. It was a quick little burner. I was able to complete 5 rounds plus 27 reps of the Gold standard. 

After cooling down a little bit I changed and headed to our friends house for our annual Get in Gear Fun Run tradition. We meet-up and then all walk (kids biked this year) down to the Minnehaha Falls to check-in.  This year they had the 3 options again 2K, 3K, or 4K. They have the turn around spots marked and you can choose as you go. After last year’s breakout run by Caleb I went with him! 

Ready to Go!

Caleb went out like a rocket cutting in and out of people!  I had to go pretty quick to keep up with him and I ended up running on the side of the road so I wouldn’t be dodging hundreds of kids. Once I caught back up I told him to try and pace himself a little bit! He walked for about 1 a minute and then took off again!  He had been saying he wanted to do the 2K so I wasn’t surprised when as we approached the turn around he said he wanted to turn around.  We waved at our friends as we ran back past them. On the way back he walked for about a minute and I kept reminding him to take it easy! I told him as we rounded the final bend that he could run all out after we passed a specific light pole. It was maybe a little too far out for him.

Kicking to the finish!

We finished in just over 13 minutes. After sitting for a bit he said he wished he had gone longer! Nadia decided to do the 3K so we had to wait for a little while but it was fun to see all the kids of different ages coming through!  

Finishing happy and strong!

After everyone finished we hit up the refreshment tables, dance tent, and race cars before heading back to our friends and enjoying pizza and friends!