Category Archives: Equipment

Running at -21

I captured this image after my run on January 16, 2009.

After some bad experiences last year, every morning I roll over and check the weather on my phone before going for a run.  So what do you do when you roll over and see -22 as the actual air temperature?  I see three options:

1) Roll back over and snuggle under the blanket until the absolute last minute until its time to go to work.

2) Visit your local gym, assuming you have a membership, or any indoor running facility.

3) Jump out of bed with eager excitement and begin putting on every piece of running attire you own.

I recently had this experience and while many of you from the more southern regions of our country would say I’m insane for choosing number 3 2x’s this week, I was not alone.  No I saw plenty of bicyclists commuting to work and plenty of footprints in the snow indicating both runners and people walking their dogs.

How do you survive when the air temperature is below zero? Or below freezing for that matter? Layers and more layers. Honestly, it is amazing how much of a difference the wind chill can make though.  In these cases Joe’s Temperature Guide (xls) probably won’t help too much.  In 2007, I offered 9 winter running tips, but they don’t specifically address how to dress.

So here is my attempt to reconstruct how I survived running below zero (from the ground up):

Shoes – I wear my regular trainers and I actually don’t wear Yak-trax or put screws in my shoes. Since my (and most) running shoes are made of mesh I put strips of duct tape on the mesh parts.  I suggest using smaller strips so that the shoe can still flex properly. I actually wrapped some tape all the way around my toe box (including on the sole) which actually helped me loose traction!

Socks– I recommend Smart Wool Socks they are the excellent at keeping your feet warm without adding several layers. The taller the sock the better. I was given a hard time last year because all the socks I wore didn’t come over the ankle! You can always go with a liner sock underneath a wool sock, but that might be overkill.

Pants – Our legs are an important part of the running machine.  On these extreme temperature days I make sure to wear two layers.  Between 32 and 0 I might only wear one, depending on the wind chill.  I always wear running shorts underneath my tights, so I guess it is a triple layer over the most important stuff. I wore a pair of running tights.  On top of that I wear some type of windbreaker-type pant with insulation.  This obviously helps cut down on the wind while adding a bit of warmth.  The problem is that the more you wear on your legs the harder it is for you to actually run.

Upper-Body/Chest – This area has the largest surface area and represent where you’ll feel the most pain if not dressed appropriately.  I like to start with a short-sleeve thermal underwear shirt but also have worn a nice singlet.  I think that one additional little layer isn’t hugely vital, but I want to keep the core warm.  Over top of that I wear some-type of long-sleeve technical or dry-fit shirt.  I would prefer not to have any sweat on my skin if I can help it so this shirt helps wick it away into the cotton long-sleeve shirt.  Many people will probably protest this item but it has served me well.  Yes the cotton absorbs the water and gets a little heavier but it provides a little more insulation than a second technical shirt would.  Again depending on the actual temp or wind chill I might just wear a fleece vest, but on the extreme days I wear an insulated windbreaker jacket.  I actually still have my warm-up suit from college (although I try to avoid wearing both the pants and jacket at the same time because they are both purple).  The jacket again is insulated and help stop a lot of the wind from hitting my skin.

Hands – These things are hard to regulate.  You definitely want gloves, but there are so many options.  During my latest runs I wore a pair of 40 gram Thinsulate gloves that did an excellent job of blocking the wind and keeping my hands toasty – actually a little too toasty.  I have a variety of other options but none seem to do the trick like these for the extreme temperatures.  My recommendation would be some type of glove that changes into a mitten at the top so you can regulate the temp a little better.

Head – Every one says the head is the most important part, so who am I to disagree? I like to keep my head nice and warm!  I wore a ear band.  This doesn’t do a lot but keeps the ears from getting frostbite! On top of that I wore a Silk Balaclava. Silk makes a nice base layer because it traps the heat inside and slowly releases the heat while also wicking away sweat. On top of this I wear a fleece balaclava.  Fleece is also a good wicking fabric that is very warm, although it doesn’t protect very well from the wind. I actually sweat underneath these layers and don’t usually get cold, except for in the worst wind on my exposed flesh.  You see the other day I started out wearing glasses (which are highly recommended to protect your eyes and the exposed skin that the balaclava doesn’t cover) but they fogged up really bad and then the steam froze on them.  They were completely useless at that point, so I stuffed them in a pocket.  NO HEADPHONES! I decided that I didn’t really want them freezing into my ear so I left them at home, plus who knows how the mp3 player might react to the temps.

There you have it a very long look at how to survive running in -20 temps!  I’d love to hear what you wear out  there on the cold days. You can also take a look at Blaine’s Tips for Winter Running Apparel. You can also check out this guy who bike commutes across a frozen lake at 20 below (HT The Deets).

Take Care of Your Buds

Circumaural headphones have large pads that su...

Image via Wikipedia

That is your ear buds.

A recent study showed that personal ear bud use may cause permanent hearing loss.  I use a  Sansa E250 2GB MP3 Player as my personal music player of choice. It is quite versatile (including an FM tuner and microphone) and has lasted pretty well, not to mention dirt cheap! I’ve talked about my mp3 use before, especially the safety issues and sharing my personal playlist (which is now a little outdated).

In the back of my head I have thought about the impact that all of this mp3 usage might have on my ears.  But never thought enough about it to worry too much.  I’ve thought more about my safety while running than the impact on my hearing.  I remember as a kid getting yelled at to turn down my Discman or Walkman, with the threat that I’d lose my hearing.

Now a study conducted for the European Union confirms that permanent hearing loss can come from too much and too loud of music being played in your ear drum.  The New York Times reported that

The report said that those who listened for five hours a week at high-volume settings exposed themselves to more noise than permitted in the noisiest factory or work place. Maximum volume on some devices can generate as much noise as an airplane taking off nearby.

That is a lot of noise!

The report issued by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks, a name which implies they probably don’t use too many iPods, had some more bad news.  We might not feel the effect of our usage for many years. 5-10% of listeners may have hearing loss within 5 years, if they listen to music at a high volume for more than an hour a day. The now famous earbud may make things worse since the overall sound exposure is higher than the older, more traditional models.

A 2006 lawsuit claimed that the Apple iPod can produce music at 115 decibls, while 89 is the border line for safe listening.  It begs the question of why they would produce something at that level.  Well probably the same reason we keep building faster computers or cars with more horsepower.  Bigger, Faster, and Louder means something is BETTER!

SO WHAT! Maybe you want to go deaf or you don’t believe in scientific research, well you can stop reading! For the rest of us they study recommends limiting listening through headphones/earbuds to no more than an hour a day – with the volume set at around 60% of the maximum volume.  Got that? No more two hour long rungs with the ear buds – unless you skip a day somewhere else! This is just a guideline they offer so feel free to disobey – at your own risk and don’t sue me when you lose your hearing.

I guess I won’t be blaring my music anymore so that my training partners can hear the latest MPR program or Phedipidations episode – sorry guys.

[tags] Hearing Loss, mp3, iPod, ear bud [/tags]

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Brooks Goes Green

More and more runners and race directors are looking at ways to produce environmentally friendly events. Some are being super creative such ass the Urban Wildland race in August:

We are proud of the fact that the Urban Wildland Half Marathon & 5K is a no-waste event! All natural refuse (food scraps), paper, and plastic materials used for the race will be recycled, reused, or composted. In a strong effort to curb our society’s growing waste stream, we are dedicated to leaving no waste from the event. Special compostable cups, napkins, and food scraps will be transferred to a compost site after the race, where they will decompose into soil within a matter of months. All plastic water bottles will be recycled.

We still tend to drive solo to weekend long runs or races, but as gas goes up more and more runners are carpooling – or finding some other way to get there. Nevertheless, running shoes have always been a major downside when it comes to truly green running.

Lets face it the manufacturing process and materials used to create the bread and butter of running use a lot of non-“green” resources. One company is taking a step in the right direction. Which company? Yup, Brooks. They are turning their MoGo technology into BioMoGo.

Brooks introduces the first-ever biodegradable running shoe midsole: BioMoGo. Yes, we’ve taken the long-lasting cushioning of our original MoGo midsole and made it environmentally friendly. How, you ask? We’ve added a non-toxic, natural additive to the MoGo compound that encourages anaerobic microbes to munch away once it hits the landfill. Traditional Ethylene Vinyl Acetate™ (EVA) midsoles can last up to 1,000 years in a landfill. BioMoGo’s microbial munch rate is a staggering 50 times faster, biodegrading nutrients into reusable byproducts within 20 years! That means that within 20 years time, Brooks alone will save 29.9 million pounds of landfill waste. For you pigskin fans out there, that equals 1,277 football fields covered one shoe deep!

Look for BioMoGo to make its debut in the Trance™ 8, on store shelves July 2008. What about our other performance running shoes? All Brooks performance running shoes with MoGo midsoles will feature groundbreaking BioMoGo by the end of 2009.

They have developed a list of links that will help you learn more about the shoes, which I’ll include for your reading pleasure:

This is a good first step and I applaud Brooks for taking the effort and I’m sure they’ll continue to do research and improve their products.

[tags] Green, Brooks, BioMoGo, Environment [/tags]

It is Time Again for…

NEW SHOES!!! With 438 miles on my Brooks Adrenaline GTS 7, it is time to replace them – actually its is past due. This is almost double the mileage that I had put on the two previous shoes. I wasn’t experiencing any pain which is often an indicator that it is time to switch.

I raced a total of 25 miles in the shoes, racing tends to break down shoes faster than regular running. Since I messed up my knee in April 2006 I haven’t raced in true racing shoes since then. It is feeling better and I might start using racing flats again this year or next.

I last wrote about changing shoes in September, but I was wearing a new pair during the training cycle for the half-marathon which I purchased in December.

I didn’t spend a lot of time shopping around. In the back of my head I went into the Running Room thinking about changing brands of shoes. I’ve heard that it is good to change brands of shoes every once in awhile to give your feet a break and to change things up. I thought this would be a good time for that since I’ve worn the GTS 7 for the last 3 training cycles. The last non-Brooks shoe I wore was the Asics GT-2120. Here is what I think about the major shoe brands:

  • Brooks – I’ve enjoyed every pair that I’ve owned collegiately and post-collegiate.
  • New Balance – Wore them once for running and the back part of the shoe wore through and gave me nasty blisters on the heel.
  • Saucony – I tore my Achilles in a Saucony trail shoe and wore them once more and got plantar fascitis shortly afterwards – coincidence? I think not. Someone told me they have a smaller heel box would could encourage both injuries.
  • Adidas – Wore them a lot in college but the fabric tended to break down (tear) pretty quickly.
  • Nike – Never been a big fan, guess I could try them out sometime!
  • Asics – I’ve liked pretty much every pair that I’ve worn, but switched to Brooks for a more solid shoe.
  • Mizuno – Never tried it before but I know some people who go way out of their way to get Mizunos.
  • Reebok – Are you serious?

Did I leave any out? Yea, I guess I left out brands like Vasque and Salomon that focus primarily in the trail market. Never worn them at all, but I know some people like them. There is also a shoe called the Vibram KSO which is a barefooter’s shoe. An oxymoron I know but the “shoe” basically protects the foot from debris and provides a little traction. I tried them on and they are pretty slick, but not for me.

Ok back to my shoe purchase. This was my second trip to the Running Room, primarily because they are the closest specialty store to my house, just over a mile. And because they were having a sidewalk sale for last year’s shoes! Their sale was mostly Mizuno, Nike, another brand I forget right now. They had very limited selection so I was surprised when they had 2 Mizuno shoes in my size and stability level. They were both last year’s models so were nicely discounted!

I tried both on and left with a pair of Mizuno Wave Inspire 3. The clerk said that the main difference between this and the Brooks is the way the stability is designed and integrated into the shoe. The Mizuno’s are also a few ounces lighter. She highly recommended them and wears Mizuno herself.

I have worn them for 20 miles and feet are adjusting to them. They do fit a little differently than the Brooks. I’m not an expert shoe reviewer but I can feel a difference between the two. It is a little harder to compare since my last memory of the Brooks is in their worn down pre-death stage! I’ll keep you updated on my Mizuno progress!

[tags] Running Shoes, Brooks, Mizuno, Shoes [/tags]

Best Running Stores

The recent issue of Fast Forward, a publication of the USATF, lists the top 50 running stores in the US. I was surprised to see that two (out of three) of the Indianapolis stores were selected and none from my new home in the Twin Cities.

Their “Gold Medal Winner” is the Durham, NC based 9th Street Active Feet, Inc. This store sounds almost like a running clinic inside of a store – their staff hold degrees in areas such as kinesiology, physiology, exercise science, and other related areas. It sounds like a great store to visit if you are in the Durham-area. Anyone from there want to comment on it that’d be awesome!

The two Indianapolis stores actually include one that I was never in. We lived North-East of the city and the Athletic Annex is more on the West part of town. It didn’t really ever make sense to drive past two stores on the way to it and I never won any gift certificates to the Annex. The main reason they were selected is because of their vast community connections and former elite runners working at the store.

Hoosiers, can you guess which other store was selected? What if I ventured to say that it might have been a little politically motivated? Give up… The Running Company. The reason I say it may be a little politically motivated is that Bob Kennedy is one of the owners and is very involved in the operations and local running community. I don’t make that statement to take away from the store, my experiences there were always top-notch. The Running Company makes the list because of their in-depth shoe analysis and the range of training programs. Not to mention they will soon have five stores in the greater Indianapolis-metro area. If they put one in Anderson or Muncie they could take over the state!

What is your favorite running store?? Did it make the list?

[tags] Running Stores [/tags]