Been Sick.
Past Posts
Two years ago I ran the CdLS 5K. Someone stopped me recently when wearing the shirt and asked if I knew anyone with CdLS. I said it was just a race I had run. He had a son with CdLS and thanked me for helping raise money for the cause. That was pretty cool. I bought a pair of Pearl Izumi shorts to wear for my marathon and reviewed them. I wrote about education in Africa as part of my World Vision fundraising. I run a lot on the Midtown Greenway, it is a great place to run and bike. Foto Friday was from the Outer Banks Killer Dunes 2 mile race.
Last Year’s Mileage
Run: 39.3 Miles
Bike: 30.3 Miles
Swim: 300 Yards
This Year’s Training
Last week I felt a little off one day, ran the next and felt great, then didn’t feel so well again. On Friday I woke up with a pain in my neck and lower back (when I stretched). I opted not to run and by the evening I was starting to feel achy and exhausted.
Saturday I woke up with a fever, achy, chills, and still with the 2 pains. I convinced Christy to take me to Urgent Care and we arrived right before a big rush. The doctor spent maybe 10 minutes with us – listening to my symptoms and quickly checking my body over. She ordered a CBC to check my white blood count. The lab tech had trouble drawing my blood because I was so cold, he managed to get enough to test my blood. We then met the doctor again and she said that things looked fine in my blood so I had some type of virus. She indicated that she couldn’t test me for H1N1 aka Swine Flu. She also said that she couldn’t prescribe the tamiflu to me anyway so there was no reason to test for it. I was also missing 2 of the “indicating symptoms” of H1N1.
My symptoms don’t really match any specific virus that I can find online. I don’t have enough for lyme disease or West Nile. WebMD has lots of great diseases that I checked out over time, but none really matched my symptoms.
I mostly have a fever while I’m sleeping or napping. Which is what I’m supposed to be doing. My temps have ranged from 96.3 to 102.3 since Saturday. Friday was the last time I slept through the night. Every other I’ve been awoken by the fever. When I haven’t had a fever I feel pretty good and life seems normal (except for the being cooped up at home part). But once the fever hits I don’t feel so hot again.
Luckily, I’ve been able to eat full, regular meals without an stomach or intestinal distress. That is the only upside of my being sick.
Over the last week I’ve had to miss work everyday, a board meeting for the YNPN in the Twin Cities, SALT (English tutoring), a race, 2 group runs, small group, and had to reschedule an appointment with a physical therapist for my running. Not to mention that it has been an amazing week, weather wise.
I’m planning on going to a doctor today. Hopefully they will be able to do something for me, besides just rest and drink lots of fluids.
I’ve been tweeting about my illness. Check out this link to see what I’ve said #stupidvirus
By the weekend I was feeling a lot better, but not quite good enough to risk going for a run or bike. Soon enough.
This Year’s Mileage
Did you actually finish MOby Dick? I couldn’t do it, but I tried in 7th grade