Author Archives: crossn81

Day 43

Most of my walks have included walking Daisy with me. Except on some of the really bitter cold days. This week has been really cold again with lows below zero (though no where close to canceling school). These make for long days at work because the windchill has been below zero which means indoor recess. For several days in a row.

But I digress. It has been interesting to me to see how while walking with Daisy how our pace varies not only within the walk but also from day to day. And I guess from route to route. Some days require more bathroom breaks and some have more intriguing smells!

Sometimes the weight I’m carrying impacts the pace too. I’ve been varying from bodyweight, 12# vest to 20# backpack over the last few weeks. I’ve not paid close attention to how the weight impacts my pace. I just know it has.

Day 41

Monday is the day that Street Parking programs their Vault workout. The Vault is a 25 week challenge, do the workout weekly and don’t miss one to get the prize. The workouts are then programmed again for the second half of the year so you can still make up for it, but there is also usually a twist to the second half.

The Vault workouts are also usually a little more challenging than the daily workouts and sometimes a lot more! They also have a yearly theme and a lot of production goes into rolling them out each week.

In the theme of Fitness Freedom, a core tenet of Street Parking, the workouts are infinitely scalable. So I’ve still been able to complete the challenge even though I can’t do box jumps right now. That was the only movement I had to modify in this week’s workout though!  I could still do push press and air squats!

It’s a fun challenge and motivation to get at least one hard workout in!

Day 40

Today actually ended up being busy and Street Parking through out a rucking challenge so that kind of shifted my plans.

I waited until the temp was above 0f and then did a 2.5 mile ruck with a 20# pack. It was the Street Parking Super Pup Ruck! So I took Daisy too!

Then in the afternoon I went to V3 for some lifting (did the 5/3/1 bench press) and then tried swimming for the first time post-concussion. I ended up doing 400m total, but it was 1 length at a time. And I only did a few of those as front crawl. I think it went okay. So I’ll try to get back again sooner than later to see!  I think my chest might be sore though!

Super Pup Ruck

Day 39

Today I rode my bike on the trainer for an interval workout in the morning and then skiied in the afternoon.

I tried the natural snow, I should’ve known that it wasn’t enough for good skiing, but it was enough to make it work. Crossing the lake my poles just slid on the ice and skipped on the pavement. I was still able to enjoy myself and the sun was setting as I finished so that was a nice way to end the workout.