I’ve been making sourdough since around Thanksgiving! Today, I made some regular sourdough and a parmesan basil sourdough! I didn’t time it correctly so it wasn’t ready for the dinner I made last night.

I’ve been making sourdough since around Thanksgiving! Today, I made some regular sourdough and a parmesan basil sourdough! I didn’t time it correctly so it wasn’t ready for the dinner I made last night.
We finally got a little snow! It made the walk a little magical in the afternoon!
Taking a daily picture of yourself seems weird. I understand the idea of tracking and measuring your progress. But I’m not neccesarily doing this for aesthetic reasons more to kick start getting in shape. I also feel like a weekly picture would be a good snapshot and you might see the changes more then.
I’ll do it because that’s the expectation. And since it’s my first time doing it, maybe I’ll be surprised!
We chose the Mediterranean Diet. Not for any specific reason. But it turns out that the basic diet is fairly flexible and includes a wide range of food with a relatively small list of things to avoid. Primarily sugar, processed foods and sweets. And one should also refrain from eating more than a few servings of red meat a month. But looking through some cookbooks many staples of our diet were included. Except for macaroni and cheese!!
Here is one of the cookbooks we currently are using!
Today was my first day back to work after winter break. And also the first day of doing 75 Hard while working. I fell behind on the water consumption. Don’t worry, I got the gallon done. It was also hard as people brought snacks to share and they were everywhere!