Author Archives: crossn81

Day 15

For my second workout I’ve been walking with a 12lb vest. I got the vest from Aldi a few years ago. It works! I really want a plate carrier vest, but those are pricey! A few times in the past I’ve put the vest and some weights in a pack and done that when I’ve wanted heavier.

Today I completed a Go Ruck Tribe workout with the vest under a light snow. I was walking through a random neighborhood so it was a little weird to stop and do squats and lunges in the middle of the road. But I like how it mixed up the walking a little bit.

Day 13

Mondays are the hardest. Even a short weekend means getting up at 4:50 is a shock. And add in the kids not sleeping well. Exhausted!

Since it was so cold out I decided to do my 45 minute walk from work! Less likely to settle into the couch and not leave! Plus I could just come home and warm up and relax. It was a chilly walk through Wirth! It’s been awhile since I’ve wandered through the trails! I’m glad I did.

Day 12

45 minutes in the basement on the bike to start the day. My outside activity was a 90 minute Score-O orienteering event with my daughter. We walked it all and got 7 controls for 16 points. But were 90 seconds late and lost 6 points! Oops.

The temp was in the mid-20’s but was super windy. And the fresh snow made it a little extra challenge. Though it wasn’t enough for snowshoes.

Day 11

Finished my first non-fiction book today. I chose Hard Work Pays Off by Mat Fraser. Seemed like a fitting start to doing 75 Hard. It was a good mixture of personal anecdotes, training advice, workout ideas, and recipes.

I learned a lot about Fraser in the book, but would’ve enjoyed more stories! I will go back to look at some of the workouts and recipes.