Author Archives: crossn81

Day 20

Today was windy so it felt a lot colder. I needed a few items for dinner so I included a stop at Hyvee on my walk. It’s only a half mile to get there so I had to add some distance. It was a good little warm up and cheese sample stop mid-walk.

I also saw the Chiropractor today. She got a big spot in my back and thought I could try swimming now. She said to avoid it because the back and forth for breathing can make some people nauseous post-concussion. So we’ll see.

Day 19

Crazy cold, but I still went out for a walk!

In the morning I did my FTP bike assessment finishing the 15 miles in 32:12. Seems so fast but knowing the trainer is always faster than outside.

In the afternoon I walked a 5k in the -8f. The cold was only bad when walking into the wind. With it to my back it actually got a little warm! I had all my skin covered. My 5k walk assessment was 53:12.

My family group doing the Ironman together are doing these monthly as it will be used to start training. I might try swimming soon, just no turns.

Day 18

A morning ski before the cold set in felt like a great way to start the day. Then after some errands stopped in at V3 and did the 5/3/1 bench workout.

V3 is a new gym in North Mpls with a great view of downtown. Having just opened in June everything is still nice and shiny.

Day 17

I had to stop and go back for this pic on my way to work this morning! It had changed a little in the time it took me to stop and walk back. I loved the colors of the skyline and the lightening of the sky with the first light.

We made it to Friday! And a long weekend.

For my afternoon walk I switched it up and loaded a pack with my 12# vest and 2 – 10# plates. 32 pounds on my shoulders and back felt a lot different than just the vest! It was harder to get through the whole time but I made it the 2 miles!

Day 16

Today was a good yoga morning! I’ve been getting daily emails from Sarah Beth Yoga with a 10 minute yoga session for the January yoga challenge. So I did that and the next recommended video was a hips and lower back opener. So I did that too! I rounded out the 45 minutes with so arm work. So my arms hurt but everything felt good!