Author Archives: crossn81

Guest Review: Monster Mash Dash

The following review is written by Michelle Hollingsworth a Club Kokomo RR member.  She raced this October event. This review was originally published in The Roadrunner (pdf). This review is about the Monster Mash Dash hosted October 6th by Tuxbro.  

I can always be persuaded to do a run in the fall. Fall is my favorite
time of year and a run through Eagle Creek Park sounded delightful. I
might mention I also love Halloween, candy, trick or treating and all
those fun doings associated with Halloween. Darin and I decided to
drive down to Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis to run the Monster Mash Dash on Saturday afternoon at Eagle Creek Park for the 4:30 5 mile run. I found the run on the internet and because it said “haunted” and long sleeved shirts awarded. I was in the car before Darin had his shoes tied. Saturday afternoon set record high temperatures for this time of the year. I believe it was 87 degrees when the race began. I thought I read on the internet that this course was flat. I was starting to question if this was a good idea when I saw the start line was straight up hill.

Basically, this race was a series of consistent rolling hills.The race sure made you appreciate the down hills because you know about 10 seconds after you get down you are going straight back up and so it was the whole 5 miles. I generally don’t think much about hills because around here it’s not much of an issue but after about the 10th hill I was beginning to notice. Around the three mile mark I was starting to dream about those wet cloths they handed out at the
BeeBumble race. That was a great idea and I was sure hoping they had some to hand out soon.

I almost forgot the internet said “haunted” run so where were the “haunters?” I was hopeful, that someone might jump out and try to scare me or something, but realized I was being “haunted” by this extreme heat and these never ending hills. I never saw any “haunters” so that was kind of disappointing.

The park is nice for running paved winding roads with bits of shade here and there. The leaders quickly surfaced and paved the way for the rest of us. I was sure glad when this one was over. At the end of the race there were bananas, cookies and of course water. There were no wet cloths. There was a costume contest for the kids and adults.

This race was chip timed, but after waiting around afterward for what seemed like an hour, we were told by the race director that something had malfunctioned and he wasn’t able to get a print out of the race results. He said the results would be accurate online tomorrow, but for now he didn’t have any information to give awards.

He announced that if you thought you won an award to come up and get it. I thought No way people are going to be scrambling all over
each other to get these awards. I have been to a few Indianapolis races and they usually give away nice prizes. Gift Certificates to
running stores, restaurants, etc. So, of course I made my way (okay, I ran) to the table fully expecting 20 other females to claim they also won. The nice race director handed me a flashlight and said congratulations!” I know my mouth fell wide open. Not that a flashlight is bad, but is that a TOOL? Basically, if I can’t eat it, spend it, drink it, or wear it I don’t want it. I of course didn’t say that, I was very gracious and said “Thank you.” Believe it or not no other females even claimed that they won prizes. I believe they might still be sitting around laughing at me and my flashlight.

Darin just sat back and laughed. He now owns my flashlight. I always find a way to make a fool of myself, but at least I can laugh and
learn from my mistakes. Later, as I was looking through my packet, I saw the t-shirts were short-sleeved not long-sleeved like advertised. Also, it might be worth mentioning that the bathrooms were a step above an out-house so if you are planning on doing this race in the future and eating dinner in Indy like we were you will have to leave the park to change clothes and clean up because there are no luxuries here. It did cost $4 to enter the park by the way. In general, after the 3rd, 4th or 5th strike I think this race might be off my calendar for next year. I am glad we did it for the experience, but just had too many issues!

Comments from the Race Director

This was the same weekend as the Chicago Marathon, nothing could be done for the heat. I don’t know where she heard the course was flat – I have conducted events at Eagle Creek Park for 20 years and always advertise the course is rolling. As for flashlight award – we did those 2 years ago and a lot of people liked them – so we decided to do them again.

We did have a cable connection break for the computer – the only time this has ever happened – we had to run to Best Buys that night so we could run full results and  have them posted by 9pm that night.

All in all we had a good event despite the very high temperatures and
computer problem – no medical issues, lots of water, food. Lots of awards for costume contest. Good money raised for a good cause (Child Care Referral Services).


Thanks Michelle for allowing me to publish your thoughts on the race and congratulations on winning your age group.  She ran a 38:05 (7:37) placing 23rd overall.

It is always good to hear about concerns with local events. I know as a race director I appreciate hearing from the participants about what could have been done differently so that next year’s event can be even better.


Yesterday’s Workout

I went to the gym again on Friday and did a little pool workout.  I’m not really much of a swimmer, I have trouble breathing while doing laps! So I swam a few laps, treaded water and did some other aerobic stuff!



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November Highlights

I still can’t believe its December already! This year has gone by so fast. Here are the highlights from November (and some from October since I forgot to do this then).

Race Reviews

Blog Reviews

Other Posts

  • Olympic Trials: Triumph and Tragedy a look at Indiana connections to the Olympic Marathon trials. Also a preview to the Trials.
  • Indiana is Obese a look at Indiana statistics.
  • Taper Time looks at this important aspect of the training schedule.
  • A few last minute marathon tips.
  • A hilarious post about t-shirt etiquette from Bad Ben Rambles!
  • I do a lot of reviewing don’t I? Geesh, well at least you know what to do and what not to do!

    Foto Friday

    This picture was taken while driving the Blue Ridge Parkway in Boone, North Carolina. Future Foto Friday’s will be actual running-related pictures!

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    Upcoming Races for December 1

    Can you believe that it’s already December?? Where has 2007 gone? The race calendar for this weekend is still very full, despite the chilly forecast. Will you brave the elements?

    25th Annual Sleigh Bell 5K Run/Walk begins at 9am at the Lafayette Family YMCA in Lafayette. This is a Ken Long & Associates event benefiting the YMCA.

    Tecumseh Trail Marathon has been sold out. It is run in Yellowwood State Forest benefiting the Hoosier Hikers Council. There is a 5 Mile fun run that is still open and they are still looking for course volunteers. The Fun run starts at 11am. This event is hosted by the DINO Series.

    Frostbite 5K begins at Glen Miller Park in Richmond at 4pm. The event benefits the Easter Seals programs for persons with disabilities. This is also part of the Wayne County Challenge.

    Brown County Community YMCA 2007 Reindeer Romp begins at 1pm at Brown County State Park’s Nature Center. Lots of door prizes. All proceeds benefit the YMCA.

    The 5-K Reindeer Walk/Run will be held in Frankfort, Indiana at 4:15pm. It will kick off the first year for the county’s annual Christmas Parade to be held at night. A Free Rudolph Romp for the kids will start right after the 5-K. The kids will run around the square once and will have a goodie bag, just like the 5-K participants. This will include gloves, Reindeer antlers, a Rudolph nose and some goodies for after the race!

    Eagle Run ’07 begins at 9:15 at Franklin Twp Middle School in Indianapolis. This is a 5K road race. This event is raising awareness for Organ and Tissue donation. Event registration is closed.


    Christmas in the Park begins at 6:15pm at Deming Park in Terre Haute. $10 of each entry goes to Cloth a Child. This is a Wabash Valley Road Runners event.

    17th Annual All American Kris Kringle 4 Miler and 3 Mile Walk (pdf) begins at 2pm at New Castle’s Memorial Park. Monetary awards offered at this event which is part of the Anderson Road Runner’s Road Race Series. Event hosted by the Knights of Pythias of New Castle.

    CKRR Charity 5K Run/Walk begins at 2pm at UAW 292 Union Hall in Kokomo.


    Yesterday’s Workout

    I haven’t done anything since the Drumstick Dash on Thanksgiving until last night. I went to the gym and rode the bike for 20 minutes (6.43 miles). Kind of a puny workout but I needed to do something. It was good timing for a break since we were traveling around for the holiday. My foot feels good walking around now, but I haven’t tried running or anything on it.

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    Gatorade Inventor Dies at 80

    I interrupt the regularly planned posting schedule for this breaking announcement.

    Dr. James Robert Cade died Tuesday of kidney failure, according to ESPN.  Cade was the inventor of the sports drink Gatorade.

    Born James Robert Cade in San Antonio on Sept. 26, 1927, Cade, a Navy veteran, graduated from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas.

    Cade was appointed an assistant professor in internal medicine at UF [University of Florida] in 1961. He worked until he was 76, retiring in November 2004 from the university, where he taught medicine, saw patients and conducted research.

    Cade and his wife, Mary, had six children.

    Cade was the first kidney researcher at the University of Florida but is most well-known for researching and creating a re-hydration formula for the UF football team, which they credited for their 1967 Orange Bowl win.

    Gatorade which first “tasted like toilet bowl cleaner,” and was vomited by Cade after tasting it, is now sold in 80 countries with 30 flavors available in the US and 50 around the world.  Gatorade has a market share of 81%.  Since 1973 royalties from each purchase of Gatorade have brought $150 million to the University of Florida.  So it could also be called Gator – aid!

    Cade was named MIT‘s Inventor of the Week in May 2004.  And at that time was working

    … as a professor of medicine and physiology there [UF], conducting research on kidney and liver disease, diabetes, hypertension and other illnesses. He also studies Down syndrome, autism and certain types of schizophrenia and develops diets to help these patients improve or recover. In addition, Cade has developed products similar to Gatorade such as the Go Energy-Recovery Shake, which helps athletes recover more quickly after a workout.

    Gatorade’s website made no mention of its founding researcher’s death as of this morning.

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