Author Archives: crossn81

Guest Review: St Jude Marathon

Indianapolis native Allison Martin recently completed her second marathon at the St Jude Marathon in Memphis, TN.  Martin now lives and works in Nashville, TN and plans to complete her third marathon next spring! She ran the race with her friend Bridget. Excellent job Allison!


YES! Another marathon completed!

This weekend my running partner Bridget and I ran the St. Jude Marathon in Memphis. The weather was great–40s when we started and maybe 60 by the end–with a clear sky and bright sun. Not too strong a sun though. The course was relatively flat with some gradual hills throughout, and sadly some at the end. (Who puts a three-fourths a way up a hill right before mile 24? C’mon!) And several Elvis impersonators, including two at the finish line for a photo op.
Bridget had been having knee pain for the past month or longer, classic runner’s knee, and it started bothering her around mile 13 a lot. We got these way cool temporary tattoos at the registration on Friday that showed your mile times based on your desired finish time. (Check out So we knew that we were a consistent 2 minutes ahead of our 4:45 finish time. Until mile 15. We slowed down quite a bit. Bridget finally convinced me to go on without her since I felt good and her knee was killing. So I took off, determined one of us would finish in our goal time.

And man! I felt GREAT and kept a consistent 10:30 min mile. Not until mile 22 did I really start to slow a bit but by that time, I was so close to the end, I didn’t even care! I ran the whole time, only stopping to stretch at water stops cause my hamstrings were extremely tight!

And then–there it was! AutoZone Park! I entered, ran around the back of the baseball field and crossed the finish line at 4 hours, 42 minutes and 33 seconds!

HOORAY! Now for Country Music April 26th and maybe a 4:20 finish?



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Foto Friday


Don’t worry, I’m getting a new watch band in my stocking!!

Upcoming Races on December 8-9

I guess it shouldn’t surprise us that the race calendar is dwindling as 2007 slowly wanes away! I could only find two races this weekend.  Are you still racing or is it time to kick back a little?  


2007 Jingle Bell Run/Walk begins at 9am near the IUPUI track in downtown Indianapolis. Lots of awards, costume contests, and more at this Tuxbro 5K event.



Muncie Ten starts at 1pm at the Mitchell School located on Prudue Rd in Muncie.  This event is reportedly the oldest in Indiana at 41 years. Lots of refreshments, no shirts, entry fee is $2.  Course record is held by Cecil Franke and Turena Johnson Lane, both Olympic Trials Qualifiers.




  Yesterday’s Workout

I’m at an all-day conference Weds and Thurs in Indianapolis so I’m not training those days.  Since I’m taking more of a 3 day a week posture right now that fits in fine since I worked out Monday and Tuesday and plan to on Friday.


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Training Analysis, Part 3

In this final edition of looking back over my 2007 training, I will look at my training for the Mid-South Half-Marathon. This is part 3. See Part 1 and Part 2.

I was asked to travel to Arkansas to compete by friend Brian Rayl. After a little deliberation I decided to go ahead and make the trip. I made the final decision to compete at the beginning of September, shortly after completing the Bears of Blue River 10K and and subsequently 3 weeks into the new training plan I chose.

I chose the Half-Marathon Training Program for Advanced Competitive Runners from Running Planet. I wanted something different after having used the Cool Running program for several races. This program is different in several ways, it includes a lot more pacework, harder speed sessions, and in general is a tougher program. In short, I liked it! Some of the workouts were a little complex and I had to re-read them to make sure I understood what I was supposed to do. The site said, “this half marathon training program assumes that you are currently at a base of at least a 6 mile long run and at least 15 total miles per week.”

Even with my taper I was at that level so that was a good start! Being three weeks behind I had missed a few speed sessions, but nothing too much. Unfortunately, I was suffering with a little burnout. I had still been racing Thursday nights at Shadyside in addition to another speed session and possibly a weekend race.

The weekend before I decided for sure to do the Arkansas race I did a brick workout with a friend who is training for a half-Ironman distance triathlon next summer. It was a 25 mile bike and 3 mile run brick. (A brick is when you ride your bike and then try and run, it is hard because your legs feel like bricks!) That was a little grueling.

I licked my wounds and got right back into it. Not the best thing to do with burnout, but I managed okay and bounced back fairly well. We traveled several times in September (anniversary) and October (being in Chicago for the inferno of a marathon!) which resulted in missing some runs. It was fun to run on the Prairie Path in Wheaton, IL with a college buddy and his high school cross country team.

I missed several days of training after volunteering at the Chicago Marathon. I wasn’t feeling very well and it was hot. I missed a 16 miler and a couple of speed sessions. I tried to make up for it a little bit and raced the Indianapolis Half Marathon on October 20 which I completed in 1:37:31.

I missed a few more days of training at the end of October because of a trip to Boone, North Carolina for an interview, missing the last few hard workout before the race.

After traveling I raced a pretty good race finishing 1:36:19. I wasn’t completely happy with it and felt like I was in better shape. But after looking back through my training, I see a huge common theme: MISSING WORKOUTS.

How can I expect to perform at my best, breaking PRs, and meeting my goals if I don’t train consistently? I think that is something I struggled with all year and even right now as I take time off to relax and recover. Some of the time I missed workout could be directly tied to lacking motivation. A little ache may not have been anything serious, but a day off was easy to justify!

As I look to next year, I’ll need to be more consistent and stick to the schedules. I’ll plan ahead and make sure training schedules don’t overlap and that I’ll have “down time” between big events.

Graph It

Graph created by Running Ahead, my online running log. If you look closely you’ll notice that the dates from Part 3 and Part 2 overlap. This is because the training program was supposed to start before I raced the 10K.

Yesterday’s Workout

At the gym again… this time I did the bike. I rode for 30 minutes passing 9.53 boring miles staring out the window! I was listening to my trusty mp3 player. Today I rode a strength workout on the bike which included several hills, maintaining my pace throughout. It was a sold workout and my legs hurt a little afterwards! On a more personal note, I really don’t like the seats they have. They use the wide seats which are supposed to be better I guess, but I prefer the seat on my road bike!

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Race Results from December 1

It didn’t seem like a good weekend for racing, but that didn’t stop many brave souls from venturing out and competing well.

2007 Sleigh Bell 5K was won by Dave Nordhielm, 40 of West Lafayette, in 17:54 (5:46) about 30 seconds ahead of second place.  Andrea Blocher, 43 of West Lafayette, won the female division in 18:40 (6:01) about 2 minutes ahead of second place and 4th overall.  249 finished this Ken Long event.

Tecumseh Trail Marathon was won by Nicholas Johnson, of Huntington, IN, in an impressive 3:03:55 (7:01) about a minute ahead of second place.  Marla Luckey, of Champaign IL won the female division in 3:47:05 (8:40) almost 4 minutes ahead of second place and 30th overall. 453 finished the marathon distance. The 5.5 Mile Fun Run was won by Scott Weaver of Indianapolis in 37:41 (6:51) about 10 seconds ahead of second place.  Amanda Holzhausen, of McCordsville, won the female division in 40:28 (7:21)about 1:30 ahead of second place and 6th overall. 76 finished the fun run.  Both are DINO events.

Frostbite 5K was won by Jeremiah Vaughan, 18, in 16:01 (5:09) over a minute ahead of second place.  Pam Mertz, 39, won the female division in 19:06 (6:08) about 1:30 ahead of second place and 17th overall.  225 finished this event hosted by the Easter Seals and part of the Wayne County Challenge.

CKRR Charity Run 5K was won by Jeff Hemmeger in 19:07 (6:09) about 15 seconds ahead of second place.  Heather Weber won the female division in 21:32 (6:55) in 11th place overall. 65 finished the 5K. Mary Miller won the 3 Mile Walk in 39:08 (13:02). 21 finished the walk.

Kris Kringle 4 Mile was won by Ethan Ferguson, 17 of New Castle, in 24:25 (6:06) about 10 seconds ahead of second place. Pam Mertz, 39 of Richmond, won the female division in 25:32 (6:23) not bad for racing two days in a row! she was about 2 minutes ahead of second place and 7th overall.  Friends of mine from Taylor finished 10th and 14th.  74 finished this 4 mile event. The 3 mile walk was won by Greg Callahan, 57, in 33:12 (11:04).  



Yesterday’s Workout

I was at the gym again, I used a rowing machine for about 15 minutes, the computer was broken.  This was my first time on a rowing machine, it is a very different feeling.  You feel a little burn in your legs, but a lot in your back and shoulders.  I need to do some research to make sure my form was correct.  I followed this with 15 minutes on the elliptical machine.  It was a nice 30 minute aerobic workout!


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