Author Archives: crossn81

Best of 2007: Personal Race Performance

As 2007 quickly comes to a close here’s a look at some of the Best of 2007.

Here are 3 of my best race performances in 2007. What was your best race this year?

  1. Buzzards Roost 10K I ran 42:22 which left me very confident for later races and was only 54 seconds off my 10K PR. This was a 6:49 pace.
  2. Ovarian 4Mi Run I ran a 25:43 which I was very excited about. This was a 6:25 pace.
  3. DINO Series – Fort Harrison 15K I ran a 1:07:32 with an all out sprint finish I was very pleased with this 5 minute PR and a tough course. This was a 7:14 pace.

After the Buzzards Roost race I felt confident that I would run some excellent 10K’s later in the year and this was a fairly tough course, so I was very pleased with my race.

The Ovarian 4 Mile run was definitely my fastest performance of the year, I ran a solid race throughout the 4 miles and felt like everything came together perfectly.

The DINO races are all tough and I was super-excited to have ran a 5 minute PR on a mostly hilly course. I was still reaping the benefits of my taper and feel that overall it was a good performance.

Honorable Mention would be the Mid-South Half-Marathon, which I ran a little slower than I wanted but felt that overall it was a good race.

Weekend Workout Summary

Friday – I was at the gym riding one of the bicycles, I put in one hour of easy riding and rode about 16.5 miles. My gym has several styles of bikes, one has the big fan wheel, another is a “real” machine bike with a seat and a back rest – more of a recumbent bike, and the last is a machine with a normal style seat. I think either of the two machines provide a good workout but I personally prefer the normal style because it is more realistic.

Sunday – I ran for the first time since Thanksgiving. We had gotten several inches of snow and a layer of ice. I decided to go ahead and run a loop at Mounds State Park with Brian. It was a pretty tough workout, some of the trails hadn’t been touched and it was beautiful, if not disorienting. We also saw a nice fat deer and lots of deer tracks. It was a good run, but very tough and we both could feel the extra work required due to the snow. My foot felt fine and still feels good so far!

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Foto Friday

Don’t end up like this guy!
Taken February 2007 in Anderson, someone set this up next to 18th Street.

Yesterday’s Workout

Thursday was another weight lifting day.  It focused primarily on the lower body and back.  Lifts focused on the Quads, Hamstrings, Back, and Calves.  My legs felt a little jello-y afterwards, but not as sore as my upper body was.

Past Results, Upcoming Races, and News

I changed things up a little this week since there aren’t that many races I thought I would just combine the results and the races into one post!

Race Results

Jingle Bell 5K Run/Walk on December 8th was won by Abdelaziz Atmani, 25 of Indianapolis, in 15:22 (4:56) about 30 seconds ahead of second place.  Sarah Higgens, 17 of Greenwood, won the female division in 18:25 (5:55) about 50 seconds ahead of second place and 34th overall.  Bill Bentley, 55 of Greenfield, won the walk in 30:56 (9:57) about 20 seconds ahead of second place.  Janet Higbie, 66 of Indianapolis, won the female division in 32:17 (10:23) about a minute ahead of second place and 4th overall. 979 finished the 5K run and 127 the walk.

Upcoming Races

The 12K’s of Christmas Run and Walk begins at 9am on December 15th at the Northview Christian Life Church in Carmel.  12K is 7.44 miles, there is also a 5K fun run!

Toys for Tots 1 Mile Run/Walk begins at 9am on December 15th at the Professional Office building main entrance at Union Hospital in Terre Haute.  Contact Jo for more info.


As of November 30 the 2008 Indy Mini Marathon or the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon sold out at 35,000 entrants.  They claim that entrants come from all 50 states and 8 countries. There is still room in the Finish Line 500 Festival 5K, which was about 51% full at the time.  Starting in January the organizers will also registration transfers again this year.

Tuesday marked the Grand Opening of The Running Company’s newest store.  The Greenwood store is located at 1251 US 31 North Greenwood Indiana, 317-887-0606, inside the Greenwood Park Mall Lifestyle Center.

Yesterday’s Workout

I hit the pool again! This time I kept track of how many laps I swam and in total I did about 400 yards, which isn’t a lot but its a good start.  I didn’t time it so I’m not sure the actual time which would give a better comparison to distance, but swimming is a lot harder than running! I have always heard that you need to do 3x’s as long on the bike and 1/3 the time on a swim to equal a running workout.  (90 minute bike is equal to 30 minute run which is equal to 10 minute swim) I also found if I slowed down a little bit it was easier to turn my head and breath!


9 Winter Weather Tips

Since I haven’t been outside running I’m a little late giving out winter running tips!  But here are nine tips every runner should know:

  1. Be Careful! Running in any extreme can be dangerous.  Make sure you are properly dressed for the weather and distance of your run.  For longer runs consider carrying extra supplies (dry socks, extra gloves, extra gel packets).
  2. Cross-Train Winter is the perfect time to step back and re-focus your energies, it is also a great time to add strength training and/or cross training to your schedule.  Unless you are planning an early spring race, this can be a great way to maintain your cardio fitness while letting your legs heal and get ready for next year.  My cross-training includes the elliptical machine and cycling, I’ve also started swimming, rowing, and stair climbing.  Cross-country skiing is also an excellent cross-training method if you have that much snow!
  3. Cover-up If you are running outside and the wind-chill drops make sure that you don’t have any exposed skin, you can also use vaseline to cover your face if you need to.  Make sure you wear chapstick and sunglasses.  If it is really sunny you may need sunscreen!
  4. Stay Hydrated Hydration is still important in the winter, even if you think your sweat rate decreases.  You may be wearing a wicking layer and that may trick you.  Also during colder weather your mind may not want as much water, even if your body needs it.  If your skin is dry and chapped, think about the inside of your body and drink more!
  5. Fall Gracefully With winter comes ice and slippery conditions, be careful.  I’ve never worn spikes or claws over my shoes, but even those aren’t 100% guaranteed to keep you standing! We are all bound to fall at some point so try to protect your head and face by tucking in your chin. Try to land on your butt or the side of your body if possible.  Try not to make any one part of your body absorb most of the impact, you could break a wrist or damage your knees.
  6. Stay Motivated It can be hard to keep motivated during these depressing months.  Plan ahead for next year, setting goals, and enjoy the freedom of not following a structured plan or make a structured plan depending on your needs. Explore new routes or run with different groups of people.
  7. Snuggle Up Take some extra time to read a running-related book or do some research on the Internet. Winter is a good time to grab a book off the shelf and read or spend some extra time on the Internet checking out running sites.
  8. Watch Out Be aware of the conditions you are running in and watch out for traffic! Remember that it will not be as easy for cars to stop or move around you.  You may also need to be aware of sliding cars coming at you.  You also need to watch out if you are indoors, be aware of others around you and your running form.
  9. Eat Healthy I know this is the worst time of year to try and eat healthy! But as you switch to cross-training and take more time off, the calories really begin to add up! I’ve talked to a lot of people who have gained weight already.  Runner’s World has provided a good list of ways to stay fit and trim and actually lose weight during the holiday season. It mostly comes down to being disciplined in your eating habits and not gorging yourself!

Bonus: Joe over at Run with Perseverance has developed a Winter Weather Temperature Chart (Excel Spreadsheet) which describes which items of clothing you should wear at 2 degree increments in the winter. This is a great system which can be modified to meet your specific running needs. I found it may be a little overdressed for my personal tastes.

Some of my inspiration came from these sources:

Yesterday’s Workout

Today was a lifting day! This is the first I’ve lifted since early spring and I can definitely feel it! My thought has always been to cross train MWF and lift on TR. It was nice to actually get the chance to do it! Today was upper body workouts which included bench, curls, dips, hanging leg raises, and shoulder press.  No cardio!

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12 Days of Christmas

Well by the time you are reading this the 12 Days of Fitness will have already begun.  It is scary how quickly Christmas is approaching but don’t worry there are more than 12 shopping days left!!

I signed up for the 12 Days of Fitness to receive daily e-mail “gifts” which is described as

Sharing the the knowledge, skills and abilities of over 250 of the world’s leading health and fitness experts each and every day for a full 12 days starting on December 10th and ending with a final bumper sack full of health and fitness presents, enough to fill Santa’s sack 10 times over… and then some!

The free gifts are actually a bunch of promotional materials without lots of helpful content.

And what’s really great is that we have them in all kinds of formats from printable PDF to downloadable audios to follow-along-at-home streaming videos that’ll walk you step-by-step through specific exercise routines and stretching.

I like free content!! Unfortunately there is a small “cost” involved.  All of the ones I looked at required you to give your name and e-mail address.

There is a lot of good topics and what could be good content.  You can visit Day 1 and Day 2, but I’m not going to post any more links.  If I find some really good content I’ll be sure to let you know!

HT Run to Win


Yesterday’s Workout

I started the workout with 15 minutes on the rowing machine.  White River Club only has one machine and the computer is broken so I’m not really sure of any stats.  This felt better than last time, but I still feel the burn in my back and shoulders! After that I stair climbed for 10 minutes, the program shut down before I got my stats off, but I was a climbing machine!! This is definitely a solid quad workout.  I finished the day with 15 easy minutes on the elliptical machine!  This was a good 40 minute workout, mostly focused on strength.



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