It is currently CrossFit Open season. I’ve not participated in The Open in many years as a registered participant. I remember the days when I used to have the announcement playing on YouTube on the TV in the living room! I think after the pandemic, leaving a gym, and some of the choices that CrossFit made through the years I’ve paid less attention to it. Some of the professional athletes are sitting out this year after how last years’ tragedy was handled.
That said, I’ve done some of the workouts occasionally through the years. This year though I heard about the Out Foundation‘s Out in the Open competition. You register with them and they program 3 workouts named after famous LGBTQ individuals. It’s the same price $20 so I registered. I couldn’t decide which division to join and ended up joining the Performance (middle one).
Today I did their first workout! It was a good one, except I can’t do burpees and I don’t have a 35# dumbbell. So I used my 25# and did elevated step outs. I finished in 11:37.