We had a longer MetCon today with no actual strength component. We started with a warmup game. We hadn’t done a game for a warm up in a long time. Not sure what it is called but we had the pvc standing in front of us and had to rotate based on the direction given and try not to drop the pvc.
We then did a more traditional warmup and drilled the squat clean before getting into the WOD.
It was a clean and pullup ladder with the cleans being full depth. It was 2 rounds of each of the following:
6 pullups 6 cleans 55#
7 pullups 5 cleans 65#
8 pullups 4 cleans 75#
9 pullups 3 cleans 85#
10 pullups 2 cleans 95#
So that was a lot of work! I was able to do all 80 pullups. I started with sets of 3 and did a few singles but mostly sets of 2. I finished in 17:53. Only a couple of us did pullups throughout the whole workout.