10152019 – CrossFit

For some reason I mis-read the board and thought we had several metcons. I was glad that we didn’t! We did some stretching before a warm-up that loosened up our shoulders. The weightlifting today was strict shoulder press.

We were working up to a Heavy set of 6 strict press. The plan was to get 4 or 5 rounds in before hitting that number. I ended up with 75#’s. I tried to get 80, but wasn’t able to move it off my shoulders. That was a lot of accumulated work, so I was happy with that. That is also not too far off my strict press PR so that was great!

The MetCon was 5 rounds for time of

12 deadlift

12 pullups

I went for 135# deadlift which had me doing jumping pullups. I was happy with that modification. There was a 12 minute time cap on the work. I finished the work in 7:01. That felt fast, but the jumping pullups were quick. 135 was a challenging weight, but obviously not too hard.

I had thought we were accumulating pullups in a 12 minute time box, so I was quite happy that wasn’t the case!!

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