I made it to a 6:30am class and it was a doozy. It had a longer MetCon after some gymnastics work.
The gymnastics was strict toes to bars, strict toes to shoulders, or V-ups. I tried a strict toes to shoulders and decided I should to the V-ups. We had to accumulate 20 with no more than 4-5 at a time. So I ended up doing 4 sets of 5. The V-ups were a good choice.
The MetCon was 3 – 5 minute AMRAPs with 5 minutes in between each set. Each one had 100 single-unders (thankful for no single vs double penalty here) as a buy in before getting to the work. I did the Silver version which did 20 inch step-ups. I could have still done box jumps, but I opted to do it as written for my scaling. So after the jump rope it was a couplet of squat cleans and setp-ups. During each set of work the cleans went up in weight but down in reps and the step-ups didn’t change. So it looked like:
9 reps at 45#
7 reps at 65#
5 reps at 95#
In the first set I got 3 rounds and 2 reps.
Round 2 I got 3 rounds and 4 reps (Coach Jeff said I had time for one more rep that I didn’t take).
Round 3 I got 2 rounds and 6 reps (Coach Jeff somehow messed up on announcing the time, which isn’t really an excuse for doing so much less reps. Really I think the weight was getting to me. The time left shouldn’t have mattered if I was going at a hard intensity.)
The score was total number of reps, so I had 142 reps (56+52+34).
Then some stretching and bam, that was the day!