Was able to make it to Solcana this morning for a good workout!
It was squat day. 3×3 at 82% followed by 2×6 at 75%. I worked up to my 80% but that was going to be too heavy so I dropped a little bit of weight and did 2 more sets. So I did 1×3 at 165 and then 2×3 at 155. I think I dropped too much weight for the 2×6 at 135 but they were still plenty heavy. My random dropping in at the gym means I’ve not done any of the progression work so I’m not terribly surprised.
The MetCon was a good chipper called the “Clliffhanger”. It was all kettlebell!! We did 50 Russian swings, 40 snatches, 30 shoulder to overhead, 20 sumo deadlift high pulls, and 200m suitcase carry. I did it all with a 35# kettlebell. So some movements felt easier than others.
Kettlebell snatches are definitely awkward. My left arm is weaker than my right and it was very obvious on the two different single arm movements. I’d get a couple of good snatches and then struggle for a few. I did everything that was single arm in sets of 5. I finished the workout in 9:27.
It was a good start to the day!