The Mountain Bike trails opened up yesterday afternoon and I wanted to get some dirt action before the rain on Monday. I also didn’t want to tear up my legs for Murph either so I did the North Loop twice at an easy-ish pace. The Luce Line is still flooded between Wirth Parkway and the entrance, but I found a nice work around that followed the railroad tracks. I found a trail heading back into the woods and was getting ready to turn on it when a dude came running out and he confirmed it would drop me into the loop. It was in great shape, except one section that was closed due to flooding still, but it had a nice work around. I did about 6.5 miles and it felt good.
Son had been asking to go kayaking with me so the two kids and I ended up going to Hyland park and kayaking on the lake. It was fun and sunny – I got burnt. I didn’t record the paddle as it was mostly leisurely. It was a lot of fun though!! Three kayaks is a lot of logistics, but the kids were great helpers!