I didn’t really have a plan for my ride. I knew several of my normal trails are closed for light rail construction. My general plan was to do my normal 12ish mile loop. When I got towards the Greenway I realized that I didn’t have anything specific to be home for so I went West instead of East. Then the detours started!! I wasn’t exactly sure where I was and then I recognized that I was close to Aquila Park which is on the Cedar Lake Bike Trail. Minnetonka Blvd continued to have bike lanes so I decided to stay on that for awhile! Eventually I realized that I was paralleling the Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail. That would end in Excelsior or make a super long loop. I eventually stopped at a map and double checked and found a cut-off that would work and took 101 all the way to the Luce Line. This also went over Lake Minnetonka at Gray’s Bay and I’ve done that a few times before too!! The Luce Line had some construction as well, but I was able to ride through the first part of it. Then instead of turning to stay on the Luce Line in Golden Valley I went straight on Plymouth and ended up catching the detour and making it home!! So much construction. It was a great morning to be out riding and it was nice to have no where to be and nothing to worry about. The only problem really was that I only brought a bottle of water and one energy waffle. I felt fine during the ride, but did eat the waffle around the halfway mark when I was at Gray’s Bay and I had stopped for the picture and texted the family!

05252019 – Bike
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