04292019 – CrossFit

Early morning!! After a short warm-up I did some deadlifts. It was a simple scheme – 5-4-3-2-1 with increasing weight for each round. I started with 135# on the bar, then 185#, then 205#, then 215# and finishing with 220#.

After the deadlifts I did 3 rounds of a hip thruster movement followed by a heavy suitcase march (holding a kettlebell in one arm). These were more accessory type movements than anything major.

The Conditioning portion was a 14 minute EMOM that I had to cut short as it was getting late. It had two movements – thrusters and swings. They didn’t want you to break anything up or to do so only in half so I did 55# thrusters and the 35# swings. I finished 3 rounds of each outside on the back patio before rushing inside to get ready for work!

I need to set my alarm for a little earlier so I have more time! But really 4:30am is already so early..

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