0402019 – Run

The PSE PRO program is extensive and includes a pre-warm-up, warm-up, skills work and a pre-workout pulmonary warm-up!! All before starting the actual workout! I hadn’t thought about this as the warm-up comes before the skills work. My preference is to run for the warm-up and make a big loop of warm-up, work, and cool-down. So I ran for about a mile then did the warm-up, skills work, and pulmonary warm-up next to a random tree in the Victory Blvd! I did actually feel looser and more ready for the 200’s after that!

I didn’t start the 200’s until I crossed Broadway so I ended up with well over a mile warm-up. Then I did 4×200 on Vincent Ave N until turning and hitting Victory Memorial and heading south to finish the last 5×200. I ended up with a lot of distance at the end and even with cutting some serious tangents I ended up with 1.6 mile cool-down. My total distance was 4.8 miles in 43:30 or just over 9 minute pace.

The 200’s were supposed to be at 6K time trial pace, so no clue! I didn’t make any of them feel super hard like all out effort but I obviously slowed down!










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