04012019 – CrossFit & Bike

The timing was a little tight from the Winter Triathlon to needing to start a training plan for my Spring 12.5k and Adventure Triathlon. I obviously have a good cardio base to start from, but I need to get more running in for the Superior race as its going to have a lot of hills and I won’t be successful just getting by.

I didn’t want to just use the same CrossFit Endurance training plan as last year, though I ended up going with a Power Speed Endurance Pro (PSE PRO) plan which is essentially the same thing! But it is actually more programmed than what I did last year so we’ll see what happens. Each workout is programmed with notes, warm-up, strength, conditioning, and recovery. Plus a fuel section.

Today is the beginning of the T-Cycle. It will work pretty well until the end when I need to taper down a week before the cycle ends. The weekly cycle includes Strength & Conditioning x 2 (CrossFit), Short Interval Session, Long Interval Session, Sport Specific Strength & Conditioning, Stamina and Active Recovery.

The notes and videos will help along the way and there is a strong emphasis on breath work which is a big component of the PSE model. Each workout begins and ends with breathing.

So today was Deadlifts. 5-4-3-3 (135, 185, 205, 215)

Followed by a 12 minute AMRAP of

20 Kettlebell Swings 53#

10 SeeSaw Dumbells 15#

5 Hang Power Cleans 45#

I finished 7 rounds and 10 swings.

The program lists a range of weights and scaling so I probably should have done more weight on the dumbbells and cleans, but it was also the first programmed workout I’ve tried in the basement and my basement gym lacks some things! I had to do the SeeSaw dumbbells on my knees so I didn’t punch a hole through the ceiling!

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