10012018 – CrossFit

Well, it wasn’t really CrossFit, but I got my Deadlift on.  I rode my bike in a misty rain to the Bouldering gym and did my 6×3 @ 78% Deadlifts.  78% for this round was 190.  That felt heavy, but doable for that many lifts.  I also did the 20 Sumo Deadlifts, we aren’t tracking the weights really, but we were supposed to do them heavier than last week.  So I just slipped the 25# plates off and pulled 140 which is 5 more than last week.

I decided not to do the MetCon since I was biking and had really just finished dinner about an hour before.  But I did do the COW.  We just started a Challenge of the Week as a gym and the first challenge is to see how long you can hang from the bar with only chalk.  I was able to hang for 45 seconds.  I wanted to let go at 30, but made myself hang on!

The bike ride was just about 2 miles each way and it felt nice to ride to work out!

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