09172018 – CrossFit

I’m not sure if I mentioned that my new work schedule will make it almost impossible to do my 5:30 am routine any more. I’m bummed about that but have been optimistic about going to Solcana in the afternoon/evening for a class. I took last week off to recover from the marathon, so this was my first week trying to get back at it. It also happens to be the first week of the Fall Challenge, so it’s also pre-testing the lifts and workout in the challenge. (The Fall Challenge link includes a pic of me on the rower!)

The challenge is two parts. The lift is what is being called the Solcana Total and includes the Deadlift, Shoulder Press, and Snatch. And the workout is Jackie. Jackie is 1000m row, 50 thrusters at 45#, and 30 pullups for time. Yea…

I originally had signed up for the 4:30pm class and thought I could just be a little late for my 5:30 engagement, but then realizing that swapping the kids would make everything too stressful I decided to go to the bouldering gym after my engagement and do the lifts there.

Definitely not as fun and I know I still really benefit from coaching cues, but I’m still happy and impressed with my lifts. The plan was 1RM for both Deadlift and Shoulder Press. I warmed up and watched the CrossFit YouTube videos for each lift to remind myself of proper form and technique.

For the Deadlift I was able to build up to 245 pounds which is just 20 under my all time 1RM so that great.

The Shoulder Press I struggle with the initial lift getting off my shoulder and often try to sneak a dip and drive into it. I was successfully able to get 95 pounds up and failed 2xs at 100. 95 is just 10 under my all time 1RM so that’s great too.

After the 2 lifts I did an easy 5 minutes on the spin bike just to loosen things up a minute.

One thought on “09172018 – CrossFit

  1. Pingback: 11222018 – CrossFit and Climbing | Team Cross Runs and…

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